may i have your attention please

Nov 02, 2010 13:09

i would like to take a moment to tell the world how much I adore my copy of the 2010 GQ style manual (available anywhere that sells GQ, including here.) It is amazing. it's basically a huge, glossy GQMF party post of an issue :p whether you're into celebrity dress-up like me, or just want to drool over the combined hotness of Chris Pine, Milo Ventimiglia, John Cho, and Zachary Quinto (not to mention Shia LeBeouf, Orlando Bloom, Dev Patel, and all the other '10 cover models for GQ) this is a must-have. it's colorful, sexy, ad-free and dripping with snarky macho advice.

now, i know most of you are probably still cleaning up the mess from your last bit of man-gazine news, but this thing literally covers men's fashion from top to bottom - hats, suits, ties, socks, shoes, bags - it's all there. they also dish out some great advice on how to care for your clothes, which is something i usually screw up and end up paying for later :(

favorite quotes:

"Always go with a six-button double-breasted suit, never four." What about eight? Didn't think so. It kind of looks like Aragog donated his hide for this jacket. eewww...

"There's nothing cooler than a cat in a hat." Especially a fughat. There is a picture on this spread that literally includes fifty or sixty fughats. It's glorious :3

"The real reason you should be washing and ironing your own shirts is because they're your shirts." Hell yeah! So many guys (even in this progressive age) have yet to face the reality check of taking care of their own crap. GQ might be misogynistic and shallow, but this won some brownie points with me. Besides, who can afford to go to the cleaners nowadays?!

least favorite quotes:

"high tops are for ballers and serious fashion junkies." ;__; but Zach said we could wear them every day... even to the club!?

"You should never have a bunch of torqued-up items competing with each other." Au contraire, biyatch! Variety is the spice of life!

"The peak lapel (tuxedo) - the most classic, the most elegant." I actually think the peak lapel looks kind of mickey-mouse-ish. The notch lapel looks a lot more legit to me :) Maybe that's just because zq's wearing it, though...

For any fashion-forward fans or fan-vestites, I would definitely encourage you to get this handy crib sheet. if nothing else you can enjoy the massive amounts of well-dressed eye candy within! :D

gq magazine

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