Mar 03, 2008 16:16
I am so ridiculously irritated right now. Perhaps it has something to do with the flat tire I got last night (probably thanks to the construction site down the street from my house). Or my physics TA, who is a hideous grader and completely took apart the circuit that I was trying to get him to check and told me to do the same thing, because apparently he hadn't looked at it before taking it apart. When there are at least 15 questions to answer in a lab report, in addition to the results/analysis/conclusions, in a report that is only 20 points to begin with, and you take off little points for absurd reasons, it gets to be so it's not worth the 3+ hours it takes to write the damn thing. And maybe if he spent less than 15 minutes on each person who asks for help and didn't take the first hour of a 2-hour lab to explain the procedures, we would be able to get out of the lab in a reasonable amount of time. GRRR!