Argh just so you all know I already typed this up but then I closed the window by mistake, fucking stupid internet explorer, roar!
Okay! so apparently the hurricane died out before it got here so I got to go to my friend Danilos going away party, wooo00oo! and I must say I had a shitload of fun, however I dont really remember some of it cause I did have a tiny little bit to drink, which is bad! cause I had to drive lol but um yeah as you can see, I didnt die, woo00oo! way to go me! Okay then, so I got to the party with Agne and Neringa at about 9 and stayed there till about 4 in the morning I think, though im not really sure cause I dont really remember, but yeah I had 4 hours of sleep, wooo!
So Imants and Karolis were way too fucking drunk, I dunno how they were able to stand on two feet withough tipping over, but its always fun to watch drunk mofos doing stupid shit, lol Imants got on his knees and Agne fed him grapes lol then he tilted over as if he had died and passed out, lmao! lol crazy mofo. The dancing was fun, cause there were some Brazilians over there and all of em are crazy mofos, basically from what I saw, they just shake their asses and move their feet about in circles, lol and then when the song ends and another one starts they go eeehhhhhhpaaa!! lmao I was going ehhpaaa along with them so woo!
What else... ah! I almost died again, woo! I was sitting on the balcony ledge thing outside and I dropped my cig off the edge and I tried to catch it but lost my balance and almost fell off the thing lmao yeah thats not funny :P anyways! luckily Matthew was there and grabbed me before I plunged to my death, if I were too fall I would have fallen on my car, TRAGEDY! *cries* lol wooo I gave him a quarter for saving my life, lol. Ummm *thinks* I think thats it, since I dont remember anything else... oh!!
GERI HAS A NEW SONG ON THE NET! AHHH!!!!! you sexy bitch whore skank goddess you
umm here are 2 pics, ill post more later tonight probly cause im too lazy right now, woo00oo! hows this for an update assholes! dont complain!
This is me in the lovely tan, sexay! woo00oo! and then Agne next to me, woo! and then Matthew who saved my life, wooo! *throws quarter*
Okay! semi group pic, we couldnt fit everyone lol okay then from left to right!
Agle (sexy bitch), Denata (fucking porn model I swear, mwah!), Martin (cries, he's leaving too!), Carley (woo curly curly salsa dancin!), Agne (woo you again!), Karolis (you drunk bum mofo! lol), Neringa (woo! no comment for you lol), Me (woo thats a bad pic, boo), Imants! (MAN! ur a crazy mofo)
Okay then like my update?! of course you did, now post comments and shitzle