Roar, busy shit today

Jun 14, 2004 12:23

Aight! So I got tons of shit to do today and what do I do? wake up at fucking 12, roar! okay then so I take my pills now *goes to get glass of water* *throws down pills* okay! that's done, I gotta take a shower after I write this out cause I have to go to court today for the speeding ticket I got the other day, here's my story! I was on the left side driving my regular limit but had to get on the right side to drop off my friends, hoever there was a car behind me and next to me so I had to speed up in order to get into the right lane, does that work? I think so, I dont need any points added to my insurance! anywho... after that I gotta go to the DMV's office to show them my drivers license cause when I got stopped I didnt have mine! so he gave me a warning thingie for it and I gotta show the DMV lady.

So once that shits all over with, I gotta go shoppng for a present to buy my friend Ausra, which I have no idea what to get her, i'll get her some condoms the fucking slut, lol use protection whore! lol anywho yeah im taking my other friend Adam with me so I dont get bored walking in and out of the chick shops. After that I gotta go to the bank and cash my check, cause we gets monies today! woo! what else...

Right! I gotta go pick up my cellphone, ya know how it was lost? well someoen turned it into a Ranger Station and I gotta go pick it up, the bad thing is, when I lost it at the beach, its about 10 minutes from my house, when the Ranger Station called me, the place iw fucking 35 minutes away! wtf, they should have just left it lost and I wouldve gone and looked for it, sigh! anywho yeah, that sucks so im contemplating not even going for the phone, but I probly will since the damn thing was expensive. Anywho! other than that!

*cough* *cough*

Val has a journal! so go read her personal life u lazy bum ho bitches! allright then umm that's about it, i'll probly update tonight if im not too busy with how my day actually went, :P later ho's
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