(no subject)

Feb 16, 2010 16:23

Safe in Honolulu after a very disturbing flight experience. I was among the last to board and there was limited space in the overhead compartments. One compartment had only a briefcase and two straw hats. After asking who owned the hats and getting no response, i shifted the hats over and put my bag up. A couple of minutes later, a man came down the aisle to where i sat.

(switching to present tense, it's easier)
He is redfaced and angry, hat in hand. He
tells me that i damaged his hat and he's goiing to make me pay the $100 he spent on it. I tell him fhat I'm sorry, but that I see no damage. His hands ball int fists around the hat. He goes into a rage, screaming. Calls me a stupid clumsy bitch. He's going to take me to small claims court. Says that i have to give him my ID. Adrenalin now flowing, i tell him that if he doesnt back down I will call Security. We can talk about this later in the flight and sort out what to do. He says no, we're going to talk about it NOW. He is now towering over my seat in total rage mode. I refuse to give him my ID.

Throughout all of this, the fucking United flight attendants are preparing the plane for takeoff and ignoring us completely. I am about to yell for a Flight Marshal. There is supposed to be one on every plane now, incognito. Fortunately, a couple of passengers stood up and talked the guy into returning to his seat.

Passengers came up to me throughout the flight to check in with me, to tell me what an asshole the guy had been. One told me that I'd done the guy a favor because it was such a cheap-ass fugly hat. I eventually started to breathe again.

Now I'm having a late lunch on the beach in Waikiki. Tomorrow I'll be spending the day in offices. Going to drink a stupid drink or two -- umbrelllas and fruit, preferably in a tiki mug -- and enjoy a Hawaiian sunset.
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