I was full of fear and loathing so I thought about my clothing

Mar 31, 2006 12:58

okay I took out the really hard ones because I knew no one would get them. because who other than me listens to Tadpoles by the Bonzo Dog Band, or Dart to the Heart by Bruce Cockburn? or What Up, Dog, by Was(not Was)? no one, that's who.

Step 1: Put your iPod or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from
Step 4: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!

1. come on, come on, kill the rats in the gutter, come on, come on, sings the voice in the choir...  lucinda williams, atonement

2. Johnny Thunder lives on water, feeds on lightning...

3. lalalalala, lalalalala, we are just a sexual making, me and alcoholic relations...  BK, hospital bed

4. there comes a time when you swim or sink, so I jumped in the drink cause I couldn't make myself clear...

5. and how many of us will there be? more than we are now...

6. whenever I want you around yeah, all I gotta do is call you on the phone..

7. hold me baby one more time don't make me sit all alone and cry...

8. it's funny how a morning turns a love to shame... patty griffin, every little bit

9. again and again I get up and say I only want to get it right...

10. did I see you down in a young girl's town...

11. ohhh the BED (UH!) oooooooh the BED (UH!) aahhhh the BED (UH!)

12. Martha my dear though I spend my days in conversation please... beatles, martha my dear

13. don't waste away all the pleasures of the day, all the treasures you could hold...

14. back off gold dust woman, take your silver spoon...

15. well I'm walkin these streets, and I'm countin my steps, and draggin my feet, cause I ain't ready yet...

16. outta gas, outta road, outta car I don't know how I'm gonna go... reticent rodent, out of gas

17. sick of the millennium bored by the pain I waited for the gospel but the gospel never came... (okay this is not the first line of the song but I can't tell what the HELL he's saying)

18. I'm walking out in a force ten gale...

19. I call you Sister Carrie, but I never say it... the posies - solar sister

20. faith pours from your walls, drowning your calls...
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