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Feb 03, 2007 15:14

February 3rd
Because this country is turning me ever-so-unsubtly into a little gordita, the thought momentarily crossed my mind that I should join a gym. I was also motivated (as I think I mentioned previously) by the idea of having as long a shower as I wanted! So yesterday evening, while shopping and wandering with my amigas, I dropped into this women’s-only gym. The facility is new and nice and they offer classes with the deal. It was only 160 Euros for 4 months, no activation fee, and as many classes as you wanted to attend plus all of the weights treadmills, SHOWERS, etc. I was almost sold until the EXCHANGE rate hit me like a pile of bricks. 160 euros = a daunting $218. HELLLLLL no. I can buy like…2 round trips with that! So I shall resign myself to running through the poop infested streets of Alicante. I’m so desensitized to poop now, it’s ridiculous.
Last night all of us ladies and scott (poor scott) went out to the Barrio. They finally managed to drag me out! We had some sangria which I must confess I’m not a fan of. We had quite a time though. I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in my life. It was great! Alicante is a small town and the Barrio even smaller so you’re guaranteed to find friends and that is what makes it great! We danced and sang and laughed a LOT and took numerous ridiculous photos and learned ridiculous things about each other! Like, say for instance, that Stacie worked in the Philadelphia Turnpike TOLL BOOTHS for TWO WHOLE SUMMERS (this she shared with us while we discussed what could possibly be the worst job ever). Man people have bad jobs.
I’ve decided (after one and a half days of observation) that I know why Mayte divorced Paco. He’s boring. Today he slept in until NOON and then napped from 2-3. All he does is watch TV when he’s not sleeping and sleep when he’s not working. Plus he speaks WAY TOO FAST…I cannot understand a word he says (okay maybe she didn’t divorce him for that last reason). He yells at Cristina like 5 seconds after beginning a conversation with her and I can’t tell (because Spaniards yell a lot even when they aren’t angry) if he’s mad or just yelling. Also, he can’t cook to save his life. I’ve been living off of galletas.
Which is why….. Cris and I went to the Marcadillo today. It’s every Thursday and Saturday and I think I’m going to try and go once a week just to get a few fresh fruits or veggies. Today I bought an Avocado (Cris didn’t know what it was…I was like…wtf have you seen a healthy specimen of food in your entire life?) and I also bought oranges because we’ve run out. I eat them by the dozen it seems (they are amazing here…I haven’t had a bad orange yet).
The Marcadillo was PACKED so we left pretty quickly. We headed to Vodafone to put more money on my cell phone (they put money on not minutes), and then we wandered all the way across town to the train station so that I could buy some workout clothes although I think we had a miscommunication because Cris took me straight to an H & M-like boutique that was very not work-out-clothes-ish.
Sometimes I’m confused about whether Cris doesn’t understand what I’m talking about because of the language barrier or can’t relate to what I’m saying because of our age difference. I mean obviously it is language more often than not, but I think that the age gap is cause for some confusion. It is interesting to hang out with her and to remember how HORRIBLE being that age was. She is completely impulsive, is obsessed with her hair and boys, and eats chocolate like…like a horse eats hay (okay, get back to me when I have a better analogy). Also, she lacks interest in any academic subject which frustrates me because I’m nerdy and kinda like school. Her vocabulary is extensive in the area of boys and how guapo/not guapo they are. It is actually fairly lucky for me that her dialogue is so limited to one subject because I have plenty of time and opportunity to learn the words and expressions that she uses over and over again.
We were really quite pooped after our excursion across town, so we stopped briefly in an internet café and then wandered back home for comida. I think that this might’ve been quite a stretch for Paco, but he managed to serve up the largest serving of spaghetti and store-bought tomato sauce I’ve ever seen. My mom and dad called midway through so I was able to take a recess from the noodle consumption.
I met up with Leah and Meg on the windy beaches and we wandered down the pier past a lonely fisherman and a cute couple getting their picture taken. The breeze absolutely assaulted my hair but it was refreshing and lovely.
No one was home when I got back (Cris and I were supposed to go to karaoke this evening but she wasn’t here so …hmph). I decided to eat some verduras while no one was looking. I got out the half bag of spinach that’s been around a few days (since javi made it last time). I washed the spinach and tossed it with olive oil, salt, vinegar, lemon, and pepper. And then I tossed in some tomato and my avocado for good measure. It was heavenly. I had some bread with it too although Paco buys “pan del día” (bread of the day) from a different Panedería and it tastes a little bit like bread at communion…needs salt. My tummy is so happy!
Tonight I’m going out for cena at 9:30 (remember dinner happens late here), and then back out to the barrio for more dancing and good fun. I don’t have homework this weekend other than to watch a movie so…………….this will be just fine! Hasta luego! (or as they say here haluego).

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