Dec 01, 2006 14:14
So, yesterday I graduated or actually was "pinned" we don't actually aren't considered graduated until after we finish our externship, then we don't even get out graduation ceramony until March I believe. And then today is my birthday so it was the best birthday present! I failed my 7th mod final but re-took it and she didn't really graded it but just told me that I passed it. I asked her and yesterday "what happens if you don't pass it the 2nd time?" and she said "Nothing" so I was terrified that I wouldn't pass it and then I wouldn't be able to start extership next week and then it would be all screwed up but then she tells me that it doesn't matter if you pass it or not you just have to take the test twice. We had out final as well, and I got an 88% and 80% pretty sad for an oppen book test. But I was just getting so irritated looking up answeres so I just didn't look at them up and picked the answers that I would have if it had not been open book. Well, I should get some sleep, I can't believe I am going to an interview already!! Although part of me is scared to work for this month because what if I don't make it in for some reason, but as many times I have missed school, I am scarred