currently 18

Oct 06, 2005 22:00

i just got back into my house... my birthday was pretty good... minus the scene with my mother. she followed me and Amanda on a high speed chase to Jeff's house where i jumped out of the car and ran into the house. she tried to get in but i locked the door. eventually she just sat in the car outside of the house so me and Hollee went out there to give her a soda. i hand her a sprite, she looks at it, slowly reaches out to take it and then throws it violently at my head. i started yelling at her but hollee told me to go inside so i did and she finished yellin at her. she was asked to leave but didnt so Jeff called the cops on her and she sped away. we waited for the cops for 2 hours and then they acted like assholes when they showed up. so then we went inside. hollee had told me before that the cake was ruined so there was none so i was kinda upset. then hollee comes into the room with the cake all with candles and everything and people started singing happy birthday and i was super shocked and wonderin where the fuck did the cake come from? lol... it hadnt occured to me at that point that hollee had lied about killing the cake. it was a perfect cake... all lemony and wonderful. then i called my house and my grandma said that my mom never came home and she was all nervous cuz the cops came lookin for her but i told her to chill cuz i thought she was just lying... but it figures that she wasnt because my mom didnt go home. i didnt know what to do about the situation so i just did nothing. i went to bed late... had almost no sleep... and was super tired for school the next morning. wendesday i didnt go to any of my classes because i was tryin to figure out what to do about my mother. she was sposed to pick me up from skool but i wasnt gonna go home after her assaulting me and being a bitch... she came in though and had a meeting with me, sweet, and pentegast. it fuckin sucked. mr. sweet made me feel like a bad daughter and made me cry then i went back to my house with my mother. she told me on the car ride home that i could hang out with whoever i wanted she just didnt want to see them at her house. so i was at home for less than 30 minutes then went back to Jeff's house... then to work... then back to Jeff's house and my mother picked me up after midnight and i went to sleep at my house and to skool today. so i guess all in all its not that bad. i'm not really sure whats gonna be though.
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