May 13, 2009 23:55
It finally showed through! All teachers have a political bias of some sort, but especially English, History, Government, and Science teachers. Professor Gunderson has done a really good job of being very objective, but her presentation of the Reagan administration was not one of her best, and certainly on purpose. I know she made a brief mention that Reagan was not one of her favorite presidents, but that doesn't mean you can't cover him in the same depth and light as everything else we've covered this semester. I'm not looking to spur a political arguement here of any sort, I'm only saying that really, Reagan was much better than presented. He was a great communicator, and, despite what Gunderson said, he did not read speeches. Almost all of his speeches were memorized or were extemporaneous. And his ability to answer questions by the media and others is part of what set him apart from other presidents.
No teleprompter needed for him. And he didn't have to only let in certain media for Q&A. Nor did he make vulgar, inappropriate comments demeaning underprivelaged groups or attack private citizens.