Sep 25, 2006 00:45

I'll be 19 in a week lolololol.
Nah actually just a phone call or an IM will do.

19 feels like such a meh year. It's like...I've already turned 18 so I don't get any new priviledges, but I haven't I made it to the next century of my life, nor am I 21. So it's just kinda like "Wooo I'm 19 *twirls finger in the air*".

I'm listening to X Japan. It makes me really depressed for some reason right now, even the fast songs. Probably because when I listen to them they remind me of when I had first heard the band. A phase of my life that I miss sorely. I hate when that happens ;o; Ruins songs for me.

I have evalutions tomorrow for a raise. I hope I get some extra cash flow. T'would be nice <3 Then I have to take Ivan to the vet...then it's off to work. Busy day ew :[
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