(no subject)

Jul 29, 2004 00:18

I have a live journal, Hooray. I'll probably write in this thing as much as I wrote in my blurty, haha.

My mom and niece went to my grandma's for two days, so I get a little break. My dad and I saw I,ROBOT at the new movie theatre today. It was pretty good, even though the robots looked a little dorky. Dad laughed at some of the cheesy scenes. I liked the new theatre, its kinda like Tinsel Town :D. And the butter is self serve...mmm.

After that we went to the Mall to get something to eat. I had chinese, and my dad got pizza. Yum yum.

Went home and watch Reservoir Dogs with him. That was uhh..interesting haha. It was good, just not my kind of movie I guess. I liked the ear cutting parting though :D. I'm a sick individual.

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