Well... got a letter today from the DWP - I have a job interview for a temporary admin position at the Job Centre :) It's not something I'm likely to enjoy hugely, however, it's work. Also, it's government, so is excellent on the CV. Of course, the big downside is that it's only temporary. Anyway - cross that bridge when we come to it, need to be offered a job first! The lady I saw at signing today said there had been a couple of hundred applicants!!! So I have my doubts I'll get anywhere - same for all DWP jobs, they always have hundreds of people applying. I guess all of this comes from living somewhere where there is *no* work.
So anyway, there's that on Thursday, so I'm cacking myself... I'm sure it'll be fine though. Even if I don't get the job. at least I got as far as interview. God, it's so sad that one is happy about actually getting to interview these days, and that's a HUGE achievement! :/
No real news. Going to Bristol Zoo with
nicolacariad at some point over bank holiday weekend - not sure what day though. Should be fun. Not been in years, so really looking forward to that!
Baby ratties are all doing well, happy and fat! :D Love them soooo much! Keeping the Russian Blue girl and the odd Russian boy! :)