Jun 16, 2007 03:34
OK, so this evening, and in fact this night, Karl and I decided to try to clean the living room. Mistake. We decided to tackle the epic job of cleaning behind the TV etc. I don't know whether I mentioned this here before, but we had a problem a while back with some evil bird chucking bits of nest down the chimney. This went on for quite a while, so all I can imagine is that it was a really stupid bird that didn't realise that in fact it was not building a nest, just throwing twigs at us.
Anyway - we cleaned it out tonight, finally, been putting it off for ages. It's hard to get to the back of the fire place you see. Oh the mess.... hundreds of twigs intermingled with soot... and oh the dust! *panic* Anyway - now it is clean, and we have had no sleep.