Everybody's talking about college lately. (everybody'stalkingboutjesuseverybody'stalkingboutjesuseverybody'stalkingboutjesuseverybody'sfuckingmyprincess)
^think of how Cartman has to sing all of Come Sail Away whenever someone says it. Only not.
Right, so everyone's making counselor appointments and writing essays and looking up things online and actually filling out applications. On their own steam, of course. Meanwhile I am waiting for my mom to make me do something. Sometimes I am disgusted by my own lack of independence. I shan't go into any examples because I'm ASHAMED, but let's just say thaaaaaat...I barely know where I'm going to apply and that still seems like a triumph? Let's see what we got.
-Herron. Pros: cheap and easy to get into. Smaller chance of going crazy with talent envy. Cons: who's heard of Herron? I barely have. Also Indianapolis seems like a lame city. Of course, I say that having never been there. Also, it's connected to both Perdue and University of Indiana, so I have to get into both, and University of Indiana randomly requires 6 sememsters of science. So I'll be like shut up guys, peep my 35 for science on the ACT.
-SAIC. Pros: easy to get into. For me anyway (according to James Kao) since I've already taken classes there. A really prestigious and good school. Close to home. Cons: Expensive. Close to home. Good chance of going crazy with talent envy.
-Massart. Pros: I've visited there and...it's in a kind of cool city far from home, and it's pretty good. Plus there was a dog running around in one of the studios. Cons: kind of expensive, I think? Far from home? Chances of going crazy? What the hell. Plus I lost my dad's hat there.
Other schools...maybe SCAD even though I've heard exclusively bad things about it. Not RISD because it scares me. Maybe somewhere in New York? SVA, Pratt, Parson's?
Conclusion: I AM AFRAID OF COLLEGE. Or maybe I'm just afraid of MAJOR LIFE DECISIONS and being FRIENDLESS AND ALONE.
And I'm looking up schools online, and it's just...so random! I don't know where in the country I want to go! All I know is I don't want to go to one of those Art Institutes.
In other news. We have to choose our concentrations for AP studio. Mine is the book Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. We need two visual resources when we turn in sketches and my first is Cuirlionis. Who was a cool guy. I improved a special little song for him in class. Soooooo decisions. That's like 10% of the battle.
My favorite movie clichés:
the hooker with a heart of gold (see Pretty Woman, Milk Money)
the assembly of a crack team (see Beerfest, the Replacements, Oceans 11)
Jack deploys tonight. He called this morning and I miiiiiight have burst into tears on the path at school. But at least I didn't vomit! Hello, silver lining!
the end.