My room is more full of crap than it has ever been. I marvel that my mom can hold back the tears when she sees a flowerpot full of someone else's hair sitting next to my sickly bonsai tree.
Speaking of my mom, she commented today that I've been looking more "fashionable" lately, which means more like a proper girl, which is amusing (because it's my mom) and also true. And I'm cool with that for now.
Although I really wish I could grow a moustache. A dignified, forcful (yet understated!) moustache.
Haha, now I'm reminded of last year when there was some sophmore we used to see at lunch and I wouldn't stop describing his cheekbones as "subtle, yet elagant", an almost meaningless phrase, and I thought it was hilarious. I just. kept. saying it.
I have a banjo now, the one Adam kept offering to sell to me. He didn't bring it to school so I just took it.
Trust me, he was due. Of course I won't bring up the Adam Green and Junior Senior cds he borrowed and lost, or the Super Nintendo that he stole away with and broke.
Its name is Robot Devil, as that is what's scrawled on the case.
I just changed my desktop to Dr. Orpheus battling an army of skeletons.
I love when characters on Venture Bros. have those descriptor names like Dr. Girlfriend and Colonel Gentleman.
ps. colonel just became one of my least favorite words.
Oh man, this is all so. Hey guys. I'm really sleepy and not paper-ing. Surprise!