And Princess Di's got her hair in a bun . . .

Jun 24, 2007 01:02

I've been vaguely thinking about running a DiWatch here, noting whenever a certain late princess is on the front page of the Daily Abscess - just for your information, that would be twice this week, and this week isn't all that unusual in that respect.

I'd love to believe that the front page on Wikipedia is faked, but I have a horrible feeling that it's unintentional self-parody.

In other news, there was a comment somewhere a couple of weeks ago about people wrapping stuff (Youtube vidoes, in particular)in LJ-Toys frames. I'd never seen this done before, but it's obviously given people ideas, as there's been a sudden rash of it. Of course, I'm blocking LJ-Toys, so the result from me is that some of you are suddenly putting up lots of blank or nonsensical entries - well, more so than usual, to be more accurate. Funny old world.
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