Sep 23, 2007 10:15
so yeah. haven't written an entry in 3 months. right. should do better than that. Let's see, what can i talk about. In CA permanently now, and liking it alright so far -- nice and warm in general (except this weekend, the weather in boston is better according to my weather widget) - but it's fun to explore with my friend Eric - I had my first Fry's experience yesterday, and holy crap. and I mean, holy. crap. You geeks on the east coast really are unlucky with this one - none of the stores you have access to for geek pursuits even come close. You could buy a soldering iron, resistors, a book on programming, a telescope, a 3800 dollar oscilloscope, and a season of your favorite TV show on DVD at Fry's in the same trip.
It was nerdvana, i tell you.
Other than the fact that my life is unbelievably pathetic because one of my highlights of the last 4 months of my life has been going to an electronics store, I've had some good things finally materialize as far as my little business goes - last week I got my CA state seller's permit, which means I have access to a LOT more suppliers (most of the suppliers you'd actually want accounts with request a copy of either your business license or your seller's permit, which until recently Stormboxes didn't have. So I cleared that up, and it should truly increase my potential for making real money on eBay about a thousand times over.
Met some people in the apt complex, randomly here and there. Hasn't really materialized into much of anything because they've all been one time meetings, but I have a few names ;-) - had a really funny/nice convo with a gal i met in the mail room friday night. :) - but she lives upstairs and this place has no elevators (I live on the first floor, then, clearly. :)) I can only hope to run into her again sometime, probably in the mail, oh well.
The apt is really nice - when I moved in I thought it was really small, but that was mostly because NH and boston had spoiled me with 2 and 3 bd apts - I'm actually paying the same as I paid in boston for a 2bd for my current 1bd. Which actually translates to a nice raise since my salary went up 20k - and the apt totally grew on me, and doesn't even feel that small - especially when everything is organized and clean and in its place - which, since all of you reading this know me, is never, but hey. I'm trying. sort of. ;-)
finally hooked the stereo system (the main one, attached to the home theatre) up to my mac's optical out - holy crap why didn't i do that 3 years ago? all my iTunes music through my amazing stereo? w00t! also got some optical cable for the 360 and the PS2, which i didn't even realize had optical audio out until my brother mentioned it while he was here helping finish off the setup of my entertainment center (him and his buddy drove cross country in 3.5 days at the end of august - because they're insane, and because his friend was starting an internship in LA and wanted a car out here)
that's about all, really. I'll let you all know when I make it big on eBay. I hope to have at least minor traffic/sales by the end of the year - not even necessarily profit, just solid suppliers, consistent sales and access to good products. if that's all in place by the end of Dec I'll be happy. then, 2008 will be the year I blow the doors off.
Peace, all of my east coasters. Miss you,