Weird old things

Jul 28, 2006 11:33

Sorting through decade-old mail is _really_ interesting.
The things one can find there ...
Like, for example, the postcards my ex-fiancee from 10 years ago used to break up with me. Yes, postcards. Well, technically she broke up with me by phone before sending me the cards, but still ...
Funny how these things can still hurt after such a long time.
Anyway, not that important.
Moving on now.

What somehow _is_ important is this weird postcard I found, one of those freebie-ones, that obviously was given to me as it doesn't have a stamp, and I sure don't know who gave it to me - it's not signed, and I don't recognize the handwriting ...
Anyway, written on that postcard is a quote from a movie, the last part of which has been going around in my head for _years_, and now _finally_ I know where I got it from ...
Here it is :

"Ich habe keine Angst mein Leben zu fälschen, nur Angst davor, daß ich es eines Tages nicht mehr bemerke und weitermache, Angst, daß es so zum normlaen Leben wird, zu einem langen, bedeutungslosen Stoffwechsel, angesichts dessen ich nicht mehr erschrecke. Lieber sähe ich mein eigenes Blut fliessen, ohne darüber noch ein Wort zu verlieren."

Sweet Jesus ....

So anyway, to whoever gave me this postcard :
T h a n k y o u !
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