Unimportant things about myself

Feb 28, 2008 17:18

I was tugged by  <fontbuckeye5>

1. link back to the person who tagged you.
2. post these rules on your blog.
3. share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. tag six random people at the end of your entry.
5. let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs.

-        I hate and Disgusted by cockroaches, when I notice one, you can see me, the quiet, tough, elegant one, run, scream like crazy and jump on the nearest chair.

-        I have a dog name Max, is 14, I have him since he was a puppy, and unfortunately he is very sick and I will probably sooner than I believed will have to let him go.

-        I'm diet-coke-holic

-        I hate house chores, so I have a 60 years old cleaning man name Asher (NOT ASHAME, he rips me off!!!), but I do like to wash the dishes, and I don't let or trust anyone to do a better job than me. The dishes should be shine and clean.

-        I have hair fetish, I like to watch long hair being cut (no shave, no clippers).

-        I always need to know what the current accurate time but I stopped walking with watch like 3 years ago.

Not  tugging others.
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