signing off for now

Feb 18, 2012 11:44

"At that time Sunidha and Vassakara, Magadhan ministers, were having a city built at Pataligama in order to keep the Vajjians at bay. Hosts of deities were then haunting the fields there by the thousands. Now mighty deities sway the minds of mighty kings and ministers to build cities in places haunted by them. Mediocre deities sway the minds of mediocre kings and ministers to build cities in places haunted by them. Minor deities sway the minds of minor kings and ministers to build cities in places haunted by them. With the divine eye, which is purified and surpasses the human, the Blessed One saw those deities."

-from "The Life of the Buddha" by Bhikkhu Nyanamoli (cf. Mahaparinibbana Sutta, Digha Nikaya)

So, I'm back in Thailand, in Bangkok, the city of angels, at the moment. I will leave off the dubious experiment of writing here now, until whenever the next time may be (if ever). In general I can be reached by snail mail; the address is in a friends-only post some entries back. It was wonderful to see some of you in America. All the best.
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