So, having seen some video of
the whole Justice Department snafu, I have to say Gonzales has managed to appear so blindingly moronic that it's amazing he can dress himself.
Somehow he's sure he
A. Fired some US attorneys
B. That it was done fully ethically
Yet at the same time he
A. Doesn't remember when this happened
B. Has forgotten all the details
C. Isn't sure who he talked to about this
Somehow these two DON'T ADD UP. This isn't just political flim-flam, it is one of the worst examples I've ever seen. There's no goddamned flim or flam. How do we know the government isn't hiding UFOs? Because they can't hide firing 8 freaking lawyers!
I'm just glad they're this bad at it. Maybe it means we can get some justice out of the Justice Department.