To My American Friends ...

Jan 10, 2007 21:56

... our President is getting ready to send more soldiers into harm's way in Iraq, all so he can save his own butt and legacy. This guy needs to be stopped. We all need to let our Congressional Representatives know we expect them to respond with more than a half-hearted protest. You can email your Representative (Congressperson and Senator) through this website . Do it today.

As a concerned American I feel I must contact you to give my opinion of President Bush's new Iraq plan - as well as implore you to represent my opinion in your official stance on the subject.

I do not support the Iraq plan put forth this evening by Mr Bush. Not only does this plan put more American & Iraqi citizens in harm's way, but it also seems to be provoking armed confrontation with Iran. I am sickened that is seems as if Mr Bush is more concerned with "victory" than taking the advice of learned military strategists. Bottom line - no more Americans should be put in harm's way for the sake of Mr Bush's legacy.

I respectfully urge you to actively challenge the plan proposed by Mr Bush. I do not think our tax dollars should be spent to fund Mr Bush's plan. Voicing opposition is not enough; the symbolism of that stance has done nothing constructive to this point. I look forward to your response.

Sincerely -
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