Stem Cell Research, Michael J Fox

Oct 30, 2006 07:47

I think most of us have heard about the latest controversy over stem cell research; specifically that Rush Limbaugh took exception to a commercial Parkinsin's-affected Michael J Fox did for a Misouri Democratic candidate. For those unaware, Limbaugh questioned Fox's physical symptoms during the commercial - citing his body motion as acting for the sake of stirring up pity. Limbaugh went so far as to immitate Fox. He said Fox is doing advertisiments only for Democrats. Perhaps Limbaugh ought to talk to Republican Senator Arlen Spector as Fox has done advertisements for him in the past.

I must preface this by saying I find Limbaugh disgusting on so many levels there's not enough room on my LJ to list them all. His hypocritical stance on illegal drug use when he is - in fact - an illegal drug user; his unending attacks on former President Bill Clinton, 6 years after the man left office and in the midst of a current administration that has taken America down a path of war and ever-increasing polarization; his mechanically spouting the mantras of the current administration without regard to the possibility of independent thinking; all these are just the tip of the reasons I think Limbaugh is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

I urge you to take a moment to watch this interview between Katic Couric and Michael J Fox. Stem cell research is the hope for a future for so many ill people. This is not about a political debate or relative to a political party - it is about humanity and compassion and using science to help all.
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