(no subject)

Oct 07, 2012 19:00

A newer, darker album is coming up. Halloween (and Frankie's birthday) looms, and what better way to celebrate than a flailtastic mini frerard (fang!)bang? The challenge, should you choose to accept it: vampire frerard, 5k word minimum.

So I was on a roadtrip this morning and had a Frerard Vampire fic idea just pop into my head.  I scribbled it down on notebook paper quickly( I wasn't driving) and started writing it as soon as I got home.  While taking a short break, I decided to check Facebook, Twitter, LJ and the such and saw this.  Totally awesome and like a sign that I need to write this to kick my ass back into gear because I miss writing.  Hopefully Life won't fuck it up.  Anyway, I hope to see you there!
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