what's real and going on below

Mar 30, 2006 15:33

but you never show it to me do you?

it's so beautiful out today. so so beautiful. it's springtime technically, but only now are we starting to break into spring.
the earth's tilt is turning back towards warmth, the sun rays hitting the earth at that angle that makes it lovely,
hitting the planet strongly enough that more and more solar radiation can be held in.
it's going to be a bit chilly when the sun goes down,
but dealing with will be done.

thanks, meteorology. thanks.

I'm on "makeshift" internet, makeshift meaning "non-wireless." My wireless went down last night and didn't come back up yet, as I'd hoped. It's different than the time it went down a few weeks ago, now it won't even find the network. Ah well. makeshift works.

So interesting things happening, family-wise. apparently, my grandma is clearly depressed. clearly, because I had no idea. she's lost a good bit of weight since january, but that's likely because she was mis-diagnosed with pre-diabetes. that, or it cleared up or some't. either way, she doesn't have it. so, hopefully, if we can convince her, she can pretty much eat anything she wants. doctor's words.

my grandpa tom isn't doing so bad.

my mom's stressed out cuz my grandma unloads on her and her alone all her stress and anxiety and depression.

my old brother has mono, again. not as bad this time, tho. bad timing, however. he's at a job interview in deerfield now, and might be having one downtown on friday. exciting! i'm excited for him.

still not much happening on the "living situation for next year" front. I'm not worried, I just....feel like things should be happening with it.

I'm in love with the "0 Remix" of Björk's "Headphones." check it out if you can. It's very....low-key. chill, in an electronica sense. but what a soul. what sounds. I believe it was done basically as a treat for the ears, so to speak. not a pop song, certainly nothing you'd hear on the radio, but something built on the idea of sounds for sound's sake. things to make the ears go "ooooo."

We had in-class editing time in production2 today. I believe I have my picture lock on my first project, my 2minute character study. That's not bad after having only started editing today. I'm halfway thru colour-correction. It makes the image look astoundingly better. at least, it looks so to me, maybe because I somehow convinced myself that the way it looked originally was good enough. ew. the telecine process made it look all flat, lose almost all dimensionality. I realize that now.

I really want to start editing my final film, but I don't want to overlap the editing of two projects right now. They're of two different minds, essentially. But now that I'm excited about the character study again, I'll run with it. Long as I can.

Smallville returns tonight! It's been like....a month. I hope it'll be cool. And then a few of us are gonna head across the street to Gourmand's to see our friend Bryce play. Coffee shop. Guitar music. College students. For this night I will indulge myself in the cliche. Mmmm.

not much time until the end of the year! crazy. Once we hit April 11th, then will begin the "last month" mindset. not so much a countdown, but...an anticipation. I have a paper due on the 10th of April, so getting that in will be SUCH a relief.

Speaking of which...I suppose I could give a shot at starting that paper. Maybe an outline, at least. I figure, if I can write a page a day over the next week, Sunday to Sunday, I'll meet the minimum page requirement. Of course, I quite clearly see myself giving the original subject guidelines and such a bit of the finger and branching out for the sake of ease and....fun. I mean, c'mon. Masculinity in film, with a heavy focus on its origins in earlier pop culture, such as...yep, COMIC BOOKS. and comic strips, and radio programs, and serial films, and adventure novels, etc etc. Woo. Heart-racing fun.

Heart, y'all. I'll be really happy to see you LZ blokes come summer time. Which, again, is going to be starting not quite so late for me this year. hap-hap-happy. ♥
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