I'm home now. If wacky hijinks are going to ensue, you should let me know.
In other news, I was going through a pile of old high school papers (found while searching frantically for the wifi password, which, surprise surprise, is actually on a sticker attached to the router. The encrypted password Karen's laptop had saved looked like it was only 8 characters long, how was I supposed to know the 10-character WEP key was actually the password I was looking for?) and found a bunch of the Philosopher Roundtable note sheets from Dr. Kolman's class freshman year.
lokogato and
golgibody will perhaps remember how we each had to pick a philosopher and research them so we could present the info to the class; the notes were from those presentations. It's kind of hilarious how many of the philosophers I have notes on I have read at St. John's to date, or will have read by the end of senior year.
Also in the pile were some vocabulary sentences I'd written and saved from middle school and fragments of the 8th grade Humor Yearbook. It was pretty neat seeing all that stuff again, although it made me realize that I was a pretty weird kid. Oh well, I guess I still am.
But my favorite find was definitely the Beowulf comic, or at least the first 5 pages (did it have any more? I don't remember.) It's just as hilarious as I remember, and since it's a product of my slightly matured art style (11th grade- holy crap, that's four years ago. what. when did I get so old? AP EURO WAS FOUR YEARS AGO, WHAAAAAT) the drawings look less dated than the ones in Pelly Returns to the 60s. The composition of the panels is slightly better, too, although that's not saying much.
*The opening, which is Pathy telling me that Beowulf is not all about Viking sex, and me protesting that the underwater cave sequence is totally feminine imagery, before getting cut off
*Me debating which Beowulf-themed t-shirt to wear: "Hygelac's Thane" or "got kenning?" and then realizing in the next panel that it really doesn't matter, as the artist isn't going to draw clothing anyway.
*Hrothgar/Pathy: "Yo! Thanes! Go build me a mead hall!"
Thanes: "K."
*an inebriated Thane Tyler standing on a table and singing "My meadshake brings all the thanes to the hall, damn right, it's better than yours."
*Narrator: "And Grendel smote them all mightily and caused massive property loss, but he was evil, so that was a bad thing."
*Allison cameos as the Danish coast guard, complete with lifesaver
*Michael/Unferth: "And I swear, the fish was THIS BIG!"
Pelly/Beowulf: "Ah, but did YOU swim from Sweden to Finland in full armor and weaponry during a storm while fighting ten sea monsters? ...Not that I'm bragging or anything."
Unferth: *sulk*
Beowulf: *smug*
Unferth: "I still think it's a bit fishy."
Beowulf: "And your story isn't?"
Unferth: "I hate you THIS MUCH!"
*Beowulf: "I like how they're all sleeping here [in the hall], despite knowing full well what happened to the Danes when THEY dozed off in Heorot."
*Grendel snaps a thane in half and starts munching on his arm. Beowulf clears his throat. Beowulf pauses mid-nibble and says "Oh. I'm sorry, did you want some?"
*Beowulf challenges Grendel to a game of Rock Paper Scissors and wins, claiming that the stick-arm he extends was the paper to Grendel's rock. When Grendel questions exactly how that was paper, Beowulf says that he forgot the 3rd most important rule: never play RPS with a stick figure.
*It is revealed that Grendel lives in his mother's basement.
*The RPS trophy hanging from the rafters is not actually real, but it sure looks like Grendel's actual arm.
High school was good times.