I attempt to write a proper entry

Aug 22, 2009 23:19

I think I will forgive the third season of TOS for being total crap most of the time because it has The Enterprise Incident, which is totally worthwhile. I don't really like the concept behind the episode- Our Heros do a scumbag sort of thing- but the acting and the script are really good, and I love the Romulan Commander, so I can enjoy it as a piece of drama. In that respect, it's sort of like how I feel about the Orestia... and I'm totally going to stop there because if I list all the parallels that just unfolded in my head I'm going to embarrass everyone.

I swear I'm doing things besides watching Star Trek, but even I get tired of talking about shopping and I'm watching Star Trek while I pack, because packing is not terribly interesting except when I have to figure out how to pack breakable things. I hate packing breakable things. I bet there's some super-efficent way to lay out the bedding and pillows and whatnot between the lamps and dishes and fragile knicknacks so that everything gets packed safely and there aren't any soft things left hanging around uselessly, but I don't think I've figured it out yet. It feels like I'm packing less containers, though, so maybe I am getting more efficient. Or packing less stuff- I know I'm bringing only half the clothes I brought last year, due to the reduced space and fact that I didn't wear half of them last year.

See? Reading about packing is boring.

I guess I could talk about school. I'm pretty excited for this year- I'm going to be doing a ton of extracurricular activities (and I'm going to have to drop some, I'm sure, but I'll deal with that when it happens) and I don't have that much previous experience with the stuff we're learning this year so it's all new and exciting. (Except French, which I have a head start on; hopefully that'll give me extra time to work on all the rest of it.) And I'm going to have ethelflaed as my roommate again! Also there will be new freshman to consume befriend.

life, star trek, college

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