Gurren Lagann Episode 8:
Bros before hos! But, no, actually, I have a question: since when does a PUNCH IN THE FACE make everything better? Seriously. I will never understand men.
That entire episode, except for the opening, which I sort of figured was going to happen, made me go wtf multiple times. And the "Oh, he's dead. No wait! He's not! No wait! He is! Gotcha." was kind of cruel. Also the very fact of main character death in episode 8 is very ballsy, my friends. Very ballsy indeed. I guess it was sort of foreshadowed, though.
Gurren Lagann Episode 9:
(warning, failing at names ahead)
I kind of figured Princess Nia was connected with the Spiral King as soon as she showed up, but I was expecting her to be Female Villain in disguise. My current theory is that she is a robot. Or weird. Or both. Also: Spiral King. Very weird. He looks a) human, and b) like Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop.
Also, I think Yoko should pilot Gurren.
I will have to see what happens in Episode 10, but I should do some more work now.