Apr 02, 2012 11:59

IDEK anymore guys, I seem to be drawing weird things as of late :D

So... I'm not even sure to explain how this came about, just know that I was trying to convince Pistol that raspberries are in fact awesome, so this is all her fault as usual. But I feel like some sort of explanation is due, so I'll just quote pistolbunny to recount the events to you:

It started with a fruit bowl. Then it got dark. There were spiders, canteen boy, No Me Gusta, fruit slurs, and trojan links. For hours the battle waged. Would the link lead to a kitten? Or would it lead to a spider? Maybe a picture of Alec Baldwin with his tongue up Óscar Jaenada's bum? Or maybe... just maybe, it'd be a gif of Norman Reedus. When the dust cleared, there were only two left standing. Well, smishing. This, children, is the tale of the war of Almost April. Sometimes known as 'Destino de Abril'.

I will say not a fuck more. Well, other than this:

I'm sure we don't have to speculate who's hand that is, but for those of you not into Jensen/Cougar, feel free to let your imaginations run wild XD

When I told Pistol that I was going to make her concede that raspberries DO belong in the fruit bowl, she made this in retaliation. Go have a look and give her all the feels. She's not too fond of spiders, so I'm sure it wasn't easy!

And remember, pistolbunny's fault.

i don't even know, well this is some random shit, rating: r, i blame you pistol, pairing: cougar/jensen, fanart, the losers, drawing, jensen, art, cougar

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