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Aug 30, 2011 23:50

player information
Name: Zorn
LJ: Zornsable
Age: 21
Contact: Phodraubiont@gmail.com
Aim: Zornsable
Skype: Zornsable
Plurk: Zornsable
Current character(s): n/a

character information
Name: Eridan Ampora
Age: 6 sweeps (13 year old equivalent)
Canon: Homestuck
Timeline: 3x Showdown

Suitability: Eridan is from an alien race that's entire society revolves around death and sex, while not being necessarily the only things they are about, they are two concepts that are deeply rooted into the society, almost as much as their blood hierarchy. With such a hostile and demanding society, trolls are understandably a bit more mature--or at least, more accustom to harsh situations than that of humans that are the same age--maybe even adult humans.

With their harsh society, they can expect to be culled over the smallest of things, low bloods especially. One of the many things they can be culled for is when the imperial droid comes to collect genetic material, if the trolls present cannot fill the two filial pails (one for love, the other for hate) their lives will end, since they failed to do their reproductive duty.

It's pretty much ground into most trolls heads that they need to find their mates, need to fill their quadrants, and they start rather early with the pursuit. Where as most humans are worried about having a boy/girlfriend for the sake of having one, trolls have to worry about having them for the sake of survival, and for the previous reason also, but survival is definitely a better reason. While they still are a bit shy to the subject matter of sex at this age, some more than others, they are still very much accepting of the idea of it, and really treat it with a sense of maturity that most 13 year old humans wouldn't, viewing it as almost a duty.

While Eridan isn't necessarily the most mature troll, not due to innocence or anything like that, he is more accepting and alright with sexual things--or even relationships in general. Seeing as he spends a good portion of his time in the comic seeking others to fill his quadrants with--specifically the quadrants that handle the mating fondness. He even openly talks about human and troll reproduction--and while he gets squicked by human reproduction, it isn't a matter of him being grossed out necessarily by sex itself, but the fact it was an ALIEN'S reproduction. He goes into troll reproduction and seems utterly unfazed talking about it, when the human got grossed out by hearing about troll reproduction, he promptly told her to shut up, as if annoyed by her immaturity on the subject.

Sex and violence just don't bother him much at all, trolls are a violent race that are dictated by two primal forces despite their great intellect, and Eridan exhibits this. He's one of the most violent of the trolls, and the one most focused on finding his mates, even going as far as trying to rope humans into it. He's pretty much shameless when it comes to this stuff, so as far as it goes for him to have sex, he'd probably be more inclined to the idea than any of the other trolls.

The simulation that takes place once he arrives will more than likely get him more comfortable with the idea of having sex, entertaining the thought more and just filling in the gaps of general maturity. Being from the race he is darker themed things are expected and what not and it would more just pull him out of that awkward OH JEE I’M STILL ONLY 6 SWEEPS than actually make dramatic changes to him considering the maturity level the trolls generally have towards this stuff.

Appearance: Eridan is a troll, which means he has grey skin, candy corn colored horns (His having a lightning bolt shape to them), and eyes with yellow scleras and normally greyish-black irises. But, seeing as he's going to be aged up, his irises fill out with blood, his being purple, so his eye color will change due to that. Though, with Eridan being a sea troll, he has features the other trolls don't. He sports two fin-like protrusions from his face and has a set of gills on his torso, placed along his rib cage. While canon doesn't list heights or weights, it's pretty unanimously portrayed that he has more of a swimmers build, though not fully defined since he actually doesn't swim, but more so his frame is likened to that body type. He'll be rather tall (Growing to 6'0 once aged up) and slender. His muscle mass isn't really defined, seeing as he isn't one for physical combat as much as he is for ranged combat. So while not exactly feminine in his build, he is definitely softer looking than say Equius or Karkat, who are more physical combatants and have more muscle built from such.

His hair is black, except for a purple zigzaged streak and he wears his hair in an almost cross between of being slicked back and spiked up. He's rather particular about his looks, and is every bit flamboyant. Sporting a purple cape (Same shade as hi blood), striped black and blue pants (Rather tight fitting), a blue striped scarf, large framed hipster glasses, many rings (12 in total), a black long sleeve shirt that bares his Aquarius symbol, and cyan and purple shoes (They are quite ugly). He looks like a mix between a Harry Potter villian and a hipster essentially, and is rather proud of how he looks, even though he looks like a complete tool. Eridan wears the same outfit seemingly everyday, but true to his hipster fashion sense, it wouldn't be all too surprising if he switched it up a bit given the opportunity.

History: This covers his history pretty well!

Personality: To understand Eridan, one should first understand where he comes from. I'm not only referring to the planet Alternia, but also culturally. First and foremost, trolls. This being a species revolved around violence and death and very much in tuned with the idea of survival of the fittest. They are brash and harsh, killing each other is an ordinary an expected thing, even in child-like games, one of which being FLARP which is a form of EXTREME ROLEPLAYING, which often times results in trolls losing their lives or being horrible marred. The fact that they grow up in such extreme violence and are expected to be ruthless and cold blooded and without mercy, honestly says something about the race as a whole. It's a military race, and once the trolls are of age, they get shipped off planet to join fleets which are out conquering and controlling other planets. Domination and power are huge parts of the race, even some trolls find it a perfectly suitable and respectable death to lay their head down and be killed by one higher than them on the hemospectrum.

Which is another interesting part of troll culture. Their caste diversity lies beneath their skin--in their blood. Each troll has a different blood color which makes up a rainbow. The highest being Tyrian Purple, the lowest being Maroon. Generally, the purple blooded trolls are sea dwellers, but only one group of land trolls have a purple hue of blood, which are the Subjugglators. As the blood becomes more purple and blue in it's hue, so does their violent nature increase. Indigo blooded trolls, being the subjugglators, are the highest of the land trolls, and as such govern over the rest of the lower castes. They are an extremely violent and generally insane group, using their natural hatched physic powers to install fear in the lower castes in order to control them. This is a necessary procedure seeing as the lower you go on the hemospectrum, the more trolls of those classes exist, and the opposite is just as true; higher up, fewer there is. The indigo bloods have to use this psychic hold on the low bloods beneath them, just so they can control them. Because trolls are very violent things and the low bloods would more than likely form a resistance and cull the indigo bloods if it weren't for their chuckle-voodoos.

Now that the land dwellers are basically wrapped up, with how they are govern and the like and their own violent natures--allow me to delve into Sea Dwellers. As their name implies, they are trolls that are aquatic, but not only that, they are the highest on the hemospectrum and as such, their violent nature puts that of the land dwellers to shame. They are the ruling class, completely unaffected by psychic attacks, such as the chuckle-voodoos or mind control, since the higher the blood the less susceptible a troll is to such attacks, and thus they remain in control of the entire race. They do such with an iron fist (Or flipper) and kill anyone lower than them without question. In their society, it's their right to do such, the right they gained by having their violet hue. Some seek more than ruling the lower castes, feeling it isn't enough, seeking to kill them all. To bring the extinction of the land dwellers--one of which is Eridan.

Eridan not only is a seadweller, but the blood coursing through his veins is some of the richest, highest blood you'll ever find. Only being lower than Feferi and the remaining empress. Being as high on the hemospectrum as he is comes with a sense of self importance, being royalty and higher than near everyone else, he takes his position on the hierarchy supremely serious. In a society where the caste system is shoved at everyone, where the caste tells you if you should live or die, who is important, who is better, being on top definitely has its allure, one that Eridan clings to. He defends its twisted tellings when confronted, saying it's important to him to another sea dweller, Feferi, defending his intentions to kill all the lower classes explaining it's for the betterment of seatroll kind. He's completely convinced that his motives are noble, that he is actually doing something good, but at the same time, he's also trying to live up to expectations. As proud as Eridan is of his blood, he has to live up to the expectations given to sea dwellers, especially him. But not only expectations from others, but expectations he gives himself. Wanting to be like the warlords that star in his many books about troll wars and history, he longs to carry that sort of title and fame with him as he gets older. To be a legend among trolls, to live that dramatically romantic and violent life is his dream.

Though, there is some great conflict for the sea troll, while he defends his kind, is proud to be what he is, almost to the point of obnoxiousness, he's befriended some land dwellers. Which, when confronted by them about his plans to kill them all by one, he is quick to explain he doesn't plan to kill them, because they are his friend. This plays into another quality of Eridan's, or maybe a couple. While he reassures his land dwelling friends that he hasn't the intent to kill them, when confronted by another sea dweller about his land troll friends, he is quick to lie and play it off as if their friendship is nothing but a ploy. A way to get in with the land dwellers so he may lull them into a false sense of security so he may exact his schemes.

The thing is though, Eridan is a horrible liar, he's about as see through as glass and while he may be adamant with his denials, it merely makes it more obvious he's lying. Though, his claims of using an almost military like strategy, trying to play himself off like he's so strategic and unfeeling towards the dirt scrappers is another thing about Eridan, he's very much a show off and very full of himself. Willing to boast and speak good of himself at the drop of a hat. Quick to tell anyone lower than him just how much better he is--even if it's for only the sole reason of having his purple blood.

While on Alternia, Eridan had it great, despite the unfortunate happening of being in a Moirallegiance with the troll he was flushed for. Without getting into TOO much detail, trolls have four different types of romance, one of which is Moirallegiance, which was the Quadrant he inhabited with Feferi--the future empress to be. While this is a form of romance, it was definitely not the kind he wanted, Moirails are based around pity much like Matespritship, but the difference being that Moirails are there to guide and help a less level headed and dangerous troll to be not so much that, where as a Matespritship is much more like general human romance. It deals with mating fondness, where as Moirallegiance does not.

There's definitely some turmoil for the sea prince with this situation, where as he had it pretty good, sailing the seas, having a rivalry with a land troll named Vriska, FLARPing and hunting down Lusii (Something that will be touched later), this quadrant mess was the one thing that kept his life on Alternia from being exactly what he wanted. Having not the courage to speak up about it till it was too late. It's pretty much sardonically stated how the two were meant to be, meant for each other, but it's made pretty apparently that this is nothing but irony, seeing as the two butt heads on views way too much, and even though he feels such ruddy feelings for her, it doesn't stop his attitude or dramatics, not even for a moment.

The conversations between the two almost seem forced in a way, Eridan trying to avoid speaking about his feelings to her, while Feferi trying to be a good moirail and trying to get Eridan to speak up about what's bothering him--but he's stubborn and it's definitely a battle to get him to talk. They may have been a good pair in the past, seeing as they had been in this relationship for a good while before things went sour, but it's made obvious with Eridan's overbearing nature, even someone as patient as Feferi, he's too much to handle. Even with the help Eridan offered in feeding her lusus, in order to keep it's voice down otherwise all the trolls would die, wasn't equivalent enough of an exchange for handling Eridan's over bearing personality.

So when the twelve remaining trolls entered Sgrub, it was, if anything, understandable why Feferi broke it off with Eridan. Seeing as once all the trolls were dead, there was no need to stay in a moirallegiance with him. It was at that moment that Eridan tried to confess his feelings, tried to turn the break up into a quadrant swap--which utterly failed and left the emotional prince brokenhearted. Being the violent troll he is, despite his qualities that contradict his sea troll nature, he let this pain fester, let the anger consume him. Directing it at a particular troll, a troll that so happened to become Feferi's flush interest.

All of this really is just to lead up to the explanation of Eridan and giving some insight on his past and how he handled himself back on Alternia--because when everything transfers over to sgrub, things changed. Not drastically enough that he doesn't seem like the same troll, he is. Though, his darker qualities seem to take over a bit--but at the same time, his fragility also shows. Feferi being the most important person to him, with her leaving him, it crushed him, left him pretty emotionally unstable, left him as an emotional cripple without a crutch--not that he was the most emotionally balanced to begin with. But he was without that familiarity, Feferi, while not necessarily in the way he would have wanted, was always there, and now he was in this game with 11 others, without Feferi there for him. Even though he had he eleven others, it didn't mean he wasn't alone. He very much was.

Eridan is a very lonely troll, and it's obvious with his dramatics and outspoken personality, he seeks and craves attention. Not only attention, mind you, but approval among his peers. He just wants to be accepted, really. The issue is though, his personality is quite jarring, only a couple trolls really can handle him, and it's only because they know how. Once Feferi was out of the picture, Eridan clung to two trolls in particular; Karkat and Kanaya. They were two of his friends before sgrub, and they continued to be as such through out it. Karkat especially there for his emotional support.

From first glance, it's almost hard to tell that the two are friends, with how Karkat berates him and yells--much like he does with everyone, but there is a certain carefulness exuded from the Cancer and it's easy to understand why Eridan clings to Karkat so much. Considering no one gives him the time of day, when one hands him kindness, granted it's Karkat's brand of kindness, it's understandable why Eridan goes to him consistently for support. While they may be the bitchiest of friends, they are still friends, and close ones at that. Eridan tends to hold back a certain hostility he has towards everyone else when speaking to Karkat, just as Karkat seems to handle Eridan more gently than he does most. They just seem to understand each other, at least to some extent. And this is why Eridan holds Karkat in such high regards, despite Karkat's blood and Eridan's respect for the hemospectrum; that and the cancer is great for romantic advice, which Eridan honestly needs.

His other friend though, Kanaya, he goes to her for similar reasons. Though he doesn't vent to her like he does Karkat, he does seek her help with things. Back on Alternia, he had sought her out as an auspitice when his kismesissitude with Vriska was failing--he really came off as if using her, and in some extent he sort of was. Taking her for granted, and take advantage of the fact she's such a push over. If Eridan isn't put in check by someone louder or more aggressive than him, he can be sort of a parasite to people, taking what he can get and what he needs without so much of a guilty thought. Eridan is extremely greedy in some aspects, but that also has to do with his upbringing, being a seatroll, being on the top of the hemospectrum, it's his RIGHT as such to take what he wants, and he indulges in this, even with friendships.

Though, he actually does show gratefulness! When Kanaya helped him in obtaining his wand, he made sure to thank her, even offering help in return. Kanaya's and his friendship isn't one humans would classify as anything good, but we are speaking about trolls, and their concepts of friendship is vastly different, just like their morals. If Eridan finds qualities in trolls that he respects or likes, it's pretty obvious with the frequency in which he speaks to them. Or how he seeks advice. While after the break up with Feferi, he did attempt to basically try and get with all the other trolls except a few(Or, they didn't notice his advances there for he wasn't rejected or accepted) but that was, in a way, him trying to replace what he had lost.

Eridan is very needy and demanding, so losing that stability and security he had in that relationship made him desperate to fill the hole. Though, that coupled with his already demanding and authoritatively outspoken personality made him far too forward with his advances, making the others reject him and just want to ignore him. It probably doesn't help that Eridan does things that somewhat reference the 'Nice Guy' stereotype, while he isn't that manipulative, he's more so of the opinion if he does nice things for people, it'll make them like him. While his intent isn't necessarily bad, it's the wrong way to approach befriending people. Especially when it doesn't work, and if anything it makes Eridan feel more scorn and hatred for the rest.

For the most part of sgrub, Eridan was left alone by everyone--which is partially his fault. When he arrived at his world, he
saw winged creatures with a mixture of human and serpent-like bodies. Immediately he jumped to the conclusion these had to be monsters, and he started killing them. Despite the fact it didn't give any gris, he continued to do so--even after Karkat explained to HIM he thought they had some greater purpose, he continued his onslaught, because he felt it was his duty to kill them. Eridan is extremely stubborn, and it takes nearly a metaphorical rock bashing into his head for him to change his views or even recognize someone else's opinion as valid. Even with his friends, if it isn't something he wants to hear, he really won't listen--usually he'll just dismiss it. Anyways, after he made LOWAA a warzone, no one wanted to go to his planet, but this is, of course, to assume they wanted to in the first place.

So Eridan was left more or less completely alone, only to have his anger and hurt festering within him while he did these grossly violent acts. Which, if anything, stimulated and encouraged his already violent nature. Being a seatroll and all, aggressive behavior is entirely natural, if not expected. With Eridan being left alone without anyone to really try and persuade his behavior, he just let everything build up, the rejection of others, the loneliness, the feeling that no one really cares about him. He let his emotions get the better of him, and eventually he left his planet to seek out Sollux, who had technically done no real harm to him personally, but he was the one that Feferi had red leanings towards. So out of his extreme jealousy and hatred, he left to try and duel Sollux--a duel he lost.

Losing that duel really only fed his hatred for the yellow-blooded troll. Even after they beat the game, had their reward stolen from them--Eridan could really only focus on two things: Feferi and Sollux. After the duel in LOBAF, the others had continued to not visit him, even Karkat who had said he WOULD never showed up, which obviously bothered Eridan and gave him the impression everyone was avoiding him. With no one to really consol him with his feelings for Fef, or towards Sollux’s and her blossoming Matespritship.

Between trying to instigate fights with Sollux through others and brooding in the lab and trolling Jade and Rose, he really didn’t do much for to help himself. Without proper help, Eridan really just dwells on things, looks for fights and causes problems. Which after his failed attempts at courting Rose, with his computer exploding as a result, he pesters Kanaya to make him a wand. Since Eridan is pretty goddamn annoying, she makes the mistake in doing this. Thinking it harmless, when in reality that time spent with the angels actually gave him something--gave him a power that could actually defeat Sollux. Something he does after briefly talking to Kanaya and Karkat. If Eridan is anything, he’s stubborn. His perseverance really is unmatched and if his heart is set on a goal, he will do anything in his power to complete it. While, when he approached Fef in the veil his goal might not have been exactly to defeat Sollux at that time, after a disagreement and some provocation from Sollux, a duel springs from the two, since Eridan believes he's right about his plan and isn't one to back down when he thinks he's right--Eridan being stronger with his new WHITE SCIENCE powers defeats Sollux. But his anger is hardly contained. When Feferi attacks him, without skipping a beat he kills the girl he loves. The problem with Eridan, isn’t necessarily that he’s heartless or the worst troll ever, it’s that with such high blood and emotional instability horrible shit can happen.

It was once mentioned, when a moirallegiance ends, people die, and this is a perfect example of this. Eridan is a highblooded troll, violence is a natural reaction to him, had he had someone to pacify him, he probably wouldn’t have flipped his shit--but without one, horrible things happen. With no one to keep him in check, he’s a loose canon. So while he might not be all that bad when pacified, maybe a bit dramatic, arrogant and whiny, shit can go bad fast when he’s left on his own--especially with emotions running wild like they were.

Feferi wasn’t the only one he killed, he also killed Kanaya--the troll he told he WOULDN’T kill, as irony would have it. His impulsive and angry nature leads him to making regrettable mistakes--both murders something that could be presumably seen as things he would indeed regret at a later time if it wasn’t for his death soon after these events. As much as Eridan is obsessed with genocide, these two trolls were important to him, and even when Sollux died--DESPITE hiss hatred for him, he felt bad. Felt like an asshole, so while he presents himself as an some tough highblood, he is capable of regret and remorse.

Long and short of it: Eridan is an extremely jealous, violent and angry troll, not to mention sad and somewhat pathetic, especially by troll standards. He carries a strong facade around him--or tries to, but most can see through it. Really, underneath it all, he just wants to be important to someone, wants to do what HE thinks is right, despite the fact what he thinks is right, is often wrong. By society's views, he is in the right, but out of the 11 other trolls, he just appears as a douchebag tool prince who's selfish and demanding, and some even think he's creepy. When really he isn't all that bad of a guy, he just wants people to have faith in him, he wants to be loved and hated and most of all to not be alone. He's a misguided youth that just wants to end the crushing solitude that's consumed his life, but not many are even willing to give him the chance.

Powers & Abilities: Eridan has a wand! And with this wand he can use WHITE SCIENCE! What does this mean? It means that he can not only shoot concentrated blasts of holy fire, but also overwhelmingly powerful torrents of the stuff as well! He can also levitate with it, but these powers are limited to him having the wand, or he just can’t exactly do anything with it. Has to have that wand to channel it and all. He also have a very strong psychic immunity. No mind reading, chucklevoodoos or mind controlling for him! This is something that comes with him being a high blood--ESPECIALLY a sea dweller.

He is actually a skilled fighter! Having taken on a whole planet for ANGRY FAST AS SHIT angels all by himself for 600 hours. Each one took a full minute of sustained fire to kill, and if they are fast and there were many, he must know what he’s doing seeing as he survived his time there.

While this may not be an ability, but more so a device everyone in Homestuck has, he has a sylladex. Which type he has is never specified, but it works as an inventory system, much akin to those in video games. It has card vaults that store an object or a stack of object into a convenient space so that the character can carry more than what one normally could.

Is there anything from your character's home that you would like to exist here?

posting samples
Third-Person Sample:

This definitely wasn’t the veil. Nor was it Alternia--Well, nevermind that, what a stupid thing to think considering Alternia’s long since been destroyed, of COURSE it wasn’t Alternia. Though, the question still remained, what WAS this place? It wasn’t exactly unlike Alternia but the differences were obvious enough. It definitely looked more akin to the planet Earth--not that Eridan had paid much attention to that planet as Karkat or even the others, that wasn’t his focus at the time. Of course the one thing that was even more odd than the fact he was in this unfamiliar place, was even more unfamiliar simulation. He hadn’t really known at the time what it was, what it meant--it went on for what felt like a few sweeps, being jerked from the veil to some strange--some fake Alternia. It had almost been enough to convince him that sgrub was all a dream, but he knew it couldn’t be a dream, all that had happened, all he had gone through? There wasn’t any way.

So he endured that simulation, growing more from it than he had really realized, the changes were subtle, but there. They were hardly anything the sea dweller would admit to either, seeing as he KNEW he was mature already, he KNEW he could handle anything. He had handled that mustard blood after all and--Oh fuck... Pushing back those years of a fake history that had been implanted in him, he uncovers what he had done just before. Sollux, Feferi, and Kanaya--He wasn’t sure if he had killed Sollux, but Feferi and Kanaya were undeniable. His heart tightens, but he’d just calm it, reassure himself it was necessary, they just didn’t understand, not to mention they attacked him. Sure, he still loved Feferi there was no denying that--but she was deluded. He was offering a chance at surviving and she turned him down for that good for nothing MUSTARD BLOOD.

It didn’t matter now though, no. That was neither here nor there, their deaths and everything was back in the veil, where Eridan obviously was not. Sure, this wasn’t exactly his plan, but at least he wasn’t there anymore. He had escaped--his means are more or less unexplained, but he can deal with that. This might not be the planet they were suppose to rule and seeing as the threat of Jack wasn’t here, maybe he could show this place what it was like to harbor a royal blood, without the others to really get in his way this would be easy. He wasn’t sure what all was here, what he’d encounter, but that was fine, he was more than ready to destroy any opposition. It was his hatchright, after all, to cull whatever impertinent lowblood stood in his way--whatever he’d find here? Pfft, no problem.

First-Person Sample:

i havve no fuckin clue wwhat this place is
or wwhy im evven here but that really doesnt matter much
seein as this place is STAGGERINLY better than wwhere i came from also that little
wwhatevver it wwas
if this place thinks it can stuff me full of a bunch a fakey fakey FAKE memories and bullshit evvents its got another thing comin
im not about to think i can come from the vveil and suddenly be back on alternia like it wwasnt evven destroyed before wwhat do you take me for some fuckin idiotic bottomfeeder wwho cant remember shit
i remember it all you stupid fucks evven if it felt a swweep or so im no idiot
i do feel a bit different i mean fuckin FUCK wwhatevver it wwas you did wwhere evver i wwas kept
as much as that poppycock and bullshit lies is as fake as the next fuckin fairytale it still took so long to get through
so you better explain yourselvves before you havve the wwrath of a royal blood after you and if you dont fuckin REALIZE howw much of a TERRIBLE fuckin thing that is
lets just say im one to teach the ignorant masses by example and not explanation
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