Sep 04, 2011 13:47
Just noticed I haven't made a post since May. Being a parent to four kids, one an infant, takes up a lot of time. Most of my downtime is spent reading, watching quality movies and TV shows on DVD (yes, there is some quality stuff out there), and keeping up with the news (which, with my blood pressure problems, I really ought not do).
Not much new around here in the last few months. My health is as lousy as ever, but I'm still on this side of the grave, so what the hell. My right eye has been a constant problem; pressure spikes from the glaucoma, peripheral vision degradation, now inflammation of the cornea. Hand to God, I'm about ready to gouge it out myself and get a cool eye patch, one with Norse runes on it. Then I'll grow my beard longer and carry a big Ash branch walking staff and all my Norse Pagan/Asatru friends will worship me.
It's time for the kids to go back to school, which means we have made serious financial contributions to the free market. Mostly KMart and WalMart. I cannot believe how much the schools expect the parents to provide. And not just for our own kids; we are all asked to supply stuff for the whole classroom. Irony alert: We spend money like it's going out of style in a capitalist marketplace so the kids can learn a lesson in applied Communism. Yippee fucking skippy.
And how the hell do kids grow so damn much in two and a half months? The clothes that fit them fine winter through early June are now too small, meaning more money out of our wallets and into the pockets of American Big Business. What, do human beings grow in the hot sun like corn?
And while I'm on that, the clothes that Emma picked out for herself are no longer the pink, frilly little girl clothes she used to love. It's not teenage-looking stuff yet, nothing inappropriate for her age, but it's way more mature looking than I was expecting. This is all by way of lamenting the fact that, whether Daddy likes it or not, his precious little girl is growing up.
Baby Richard is crawling, babbling stuff that almost sounds like words, and getting into everything he's not supposed to get into. He's probably the cutest little baby boy ever, though I admit I might be the slightest, tiniest bit biased in my opinion.
Summer vacation ends in two days, and in two and a half weeks, calender summer ends. So, predicatably, now is when the southwest interior of Washington is having its longest stretch of hot weather. Because the weather gods love to dick around with the Pacific Northwest. It wasn't until August that we had three days of sunshine in a row. Now Autumn and the Halloween season are around the next corner, and the hot weather begins. Well, it saves on the heating bills, I suppose.
I'm done boring you good people to death now. Altashheth.