Sir Elton!~

Jan 26, 2009 20:13

Here he is, my fabulous new betta fish... The rainbow-riffic Sir Elton!

He is so completely full of himself- he'll stare at his reflection, beg, stare, beg, rinse and repeat. And he won't let a silly thing like 'look before you swim' get in his way. Within minutes of putting him in the tank, he had already figured out a game to make me pull my hair out- "lets see how close I can get to the filter before it starts to suck in my fins!" approach, stop, little closer, stop, little closer, etc. He also discovered that the heater's suction cups make a great jungle gym and that he can not, in fact, fit between the heater, gravel and wall. Already had to rescue him and reposition the heater.

He also 'surfs', aka swimming directly into the filter inlet stream. Such a silly little fishy. But I loves him soo.... And the fry are doing well. I think there's 5 survivors, but I'm not sure.

betta, fish, aquarium

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