Back from the Party

Oct 29, 2007 17:56

I really must post on here more often...

I got back from my bro (cal)'s commitment ceremony yesterday night (or rather early this morning). It was awesome! I got to meet his buddies, have some fun with all of them (along with my mom), and just goof off with my bro (and bro in law). I can't say how good it was to hug him again- and again and again and again...
Now that we're back home, I'm really missing him again. I miss his phin hugs already!

The plane ride was not fun though. The in-flight movie screen was all glared up by somebody's reading lamp and the food consisted of watered down soda, Ritz crackers and raisins. Not even peanuts! There was music, but only one channel that wasn't heavy ear-shattering rock or rap, and then that one turned into rap. I ended up sleeping about half the flight, thank goodness... At least the plane landed a bit early (half an hour). Then we went home, and did I ever plop on that bed!

I have to go back to school tomorrow, ack, three days of makeup work!  I do NOT want to do all that math! Nearly sixty algebra questions... Plus three short stories and heck knows what else.
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