Title: What Will Be.
Author: zorell
Chapter: 33/?
Rating: PG
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Tosh, Owen, Martha, Gwen, the Doctor, Donna.
Pairings: Jack/Ianto.
Summary: There’s some Jack and Ianto, and Donna has words with the Doctor.
Disclaimer: Torchwood belongs to BBC and RTD.
A/N: Usual apologies for mistakes, bad grammar, dodgy plot etc.
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Love Donna laying into the Doctor, it's just a shame he doesn't seem to want to listen! He's so pigheaded, just wants to cling to his prejudice and ignore the facts. If Jack & Ianto were really so wrong, surely the universe would reject them, but it hasn't and their existence isn't causing problems with timelines - past, present or future - the Doctor would be able to see if that was the case. So maybe they shouldn't be possible, but they are there and immortal, so the Doctor just better get used to it. He can avoid them if he wants, but he shouldn't through accusations at them about something neither of them had any control over. I think it's mostly just jealousy - they'll outlive even the Doctor - and petulance because he's not so unique anymore. With Jack and Ianto out there in the future, helping people, the Doctor might not be as needed or as revered as he has been!
Meanwhile, Jack and Ianto will protect and defend each other, and stand together against whatever threats they face. And the Doctor is never really going to have that sort of connection with another person. He's facing a very lonely future with only occasional, short lived companions to keep him company. I should probably feel a bit sorry for him!
The boys will always protect each other no matter what, and you are right that the Doctor will have a lonely future unless he sorts out things with Jack and Ianto, after all they are the only ones who will be a constant in his life - if he's prepared to accept them.
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