Feb 15, 2009 00:47
This conversation starts with a conversation about Mage Realms. This is a game and I was trying to encourage her to go into war. But this soon get intersting, please, give me your opinions, yell at me if you want. I want your opinion.
(11:41:02 PM) Jane: well we dont like pressuring ppl into wars
(11:42:55 PM) kalmondo: i dont understand....a game like this is about winning, war them whille their weak and theyll never get strong, stay on top! that how i play games....and why i dont want to be warchief irl....I dont think i could do that irl, i would care too much about the people
(11:43:48 PM) Jane: well they are real ppl at the end of the day ;)
(11:45:03 PM) kalmondo: yes, but noone dies, you might hurt fealings, but its just a game. They should revel in the need to get better and strike first before anyone else...video games are about winning.
(11:45:33 PM) Jane: yeah i know
(11:45:59 PM) Jane: i dont like being forced into war
(11:47:22 PM) kalmondo: ...nor did we in WWII, wait, im sorry, your not american, nor did us americans in WWII, but japan did it anyway.
(11:47:50 PM) kalmondo: nothing aginst your nationality
(11:47:53 PM) Jane: yes i guess youre right
(11:48:22 PM) kalmondo: you didnt take offense to that did you? i didnt mean to do that, i just wanted to clarify who we ment
(11:48:49 PM) Jane: no no offence at all :)
(11:49:46 PM) kalmondo: k, just wanted to make sure, im not a nationalist per say...I dont think america will last more then ohhhh, 100 more years ish
(11:50:18 PM) Jane: lol ofc it will
(11:51:35 PM) kalmondo: i dont know...we dont have enough nationalist, we have too many people that are too pasive. For a nation to succed it needs to stand behind it's leader. It needs to stand behind its decisions, and do everything full force, not like this "war" in iraq
(11:52:38 PM) Jane: yeah its time we all pulled out of there
(11:53:22 PM) kalmondo: hey, i'd like to hear a forign opinoin on the war in iraq, what do you think about it...
(11:53:54 PM) Jane: its time we withdrew all troops now
(11:57:22 PM) kalmondo: I say their are too options, we pull out (the more popular, but according to PR idiots less pracitcal) or go in and finish the job. Send over all troops. Tell them; "we belive terrorist are here we will bomb in one hour, remove all civillians" and do it. Its not nice, its not fair, but its war. And if were going to have a war, we need to have a war. Of corse we could listen to the PR people, "oh, lets take our people out one by one on a row boat, this way our allys dont think were abandoning the country to fall into anarchy again."
(11:57:41 PM) kalmondo: two*
(11:59:23 PM) kalmondo: when i talk about this, i sound violent, but im not
(11:59:44 PM) kalmondo: i just dont play games with things like war, hence why i dont want to be warchief irl, lol
(2/15/2009 12:00:00 AM) Jane: hehe
(12:00:31 AM) Jane: whats the general opinion of average americans?
(12:01:17 AM) kalmondo: "lets pull out imediately, we didnt want to go to war in the first place" lieing bastereds even lie to themselves...
(12:01:29 AM) kalmondo: at 911 we all wanted war
(12:01:33 AM) kalmondo: we all wanted blood
(12:01:40 AM) kalmondo: thats the human way
(12:01:49 AM) Jane: well thats understandable
(12:02:39 AM) kalmondo: again i sound violent, this is my views and opinions of things. They exclude my emmotions. To see things accurately, you cant let your emotions think for you.
(12:03:24 AM) Jane: no thats true you have to put your own emotions aside
(12:04:23 AM) kalmondo: I'm glad your not letting this make me look bad. This could all make me look like a war mongerer(if thats spelt right)
(12:05:29 AM) Jane: no your just being patriotic ... i respect that
(12:07:00 AM) kalmondo: Ohh, heres another interesting question, whats your opinion of obama...or do you even know who he is. I know i dont look at anything thats not in america...simply because i dont look for it and noone gives it too me.
(12:08:06 AM) Jane: oh i know who he is and he seems a good genuine guy better than george Bush any day
(12:09:34 AM) kalmondo: well...It is my unpopular opinion that he could have done alot more if congress would have worked with him. I think he had the right goals, but i also think he couldnt give a speach to kindergardenrs
(12:10:44 AM) Jane: but fair play he hasnt really had a chance yet
(12:12:33 AM) kalmondo: I was talking about bush in my last comment, i reserve opinion on obama, hes hit the ground running, but does he have the endurance to keep going?
(12:13:36 AM) Jane: well i could never stand the sight of Bush let alone his speeches so Obama is a breath of fresh air
(12:15:48 AM) kalmondo: lol, if you listen to what bush said, without the commentary of the news people, bush made sense...if you could get past his stutering and bad annalogy and bad hooks, and...well, he cant give a speach, but if you listen to what he said, it made sens and agreed with everything i said. But congress wouldnt back him up. So nothing was accomplished
(12:16:43 AM) Jane: maybe congress had no faith in him either
(12:18:24 AM) kalmondo: maybe, but if obama cant get congress to back him up, then he will just be another bush, only a charismatic one that can give speaches. Thats all. And that is the reason a stimulas plan hasnt been released yet...though i have my own dobts about the stimulas plan
(12:19:03 AM) Jane: i just dont like the man ... i think he is pathetic
(12:19:51 AM) Jane: i just cant stand the man,, i think he is a total wimp
(12:20:25 AM) Jane: i just cant stand the man... i think hes a total wimp
(12:20:32 AM) Jane: oops
(12:21:08 AM) kalmondo: lol, as i said, he has all the charisma of the mokey they used to say he looked like
(12:22:04 AM) Jane: i thinkthe whole of the american ppl will be behing him
(12:23:06 AM) kalmondo: but will congress, they have already shown hesitance with the stimulas plan, his first major bill
(12:23:10 AM) Jane: he has a certain charisma
(12:24:01 AM) Jane: i hope they will be behind him cxos i think he will change the face of amerivca
(12:24:43 AM) kalmondo: ahhh, but how. His stimulas plan will create more money, you know what that means?
(12:25:17 AM) Jane: more affluence
(12:25:36 AM) kalmondo: the value of the dolar goes down
(12:25:48 AM) kalmondo: and that can be dangerous
(12:25:51 AM) Jane: you sound as though you dont like him very much
(12:26:03 AM) kalmondo: i reserve opinion
(12:26:07 AM) Jane: good news for us though
(12:26:14 AM) kalmondo: im scared of charismatic people
(12:26:23 AM) kalmondo: they can do too much
(12:26:32 AM) kalmondo: its not a good balance
(12:26:34 AM) Jane: i really think hes genuimne
(12:28:45 AM) kalmondo: we will see. I take things at face value. He makes me want him to lead us without me knowing why. That is a verry dangerous ability. I wanted McCain. He is a war vetren. He knows how to deal with war. And i knew where he stood, and what he would do. Obama is unfamiluer. He hasnt made clear to me what he wants (beyond change.)
(12:29:37 AM) Jane: well give him a chance he may be a really good president
(12:32:44 AM) kalmondo: I am, but for good reasons, i reserve judgement. I will se what happens before i make a final decision of how i feal. What do i think now? Get him out! he says chage, change, change, change. Its a key word. He's brain washed people. Remeber that people liked hitler too. Not that he's a hitler, but hes not a gorge washington either. Washington never needed fancy words, he had a history that made people trust him. This is what my emotions tell me. I cant see past them. Thus, I withold judgement.
(12:33:34 AM) Jane: ok well we'll see
(12:33:40 AM) kalmondo: exactly
(12:34:15 AM) kalmondo: Why do you think he will make a good president
(12:34:17 AM) kalmondo: ?
(12:36:13 AM) Jane: he has a certain nice way about him.... thats what comes across to the british ppl and also you have so many black americans it will maybe draw you all together more
(12:36:54 AM) Jane: he also has a nice family which is better than bush and his mum ;)
(12:37:15 AM) kalmondo: what about his standpoints?
(12:37:24 AM) kalmondo: what do you know about where he stands
(12:37:50 AM) Jane: not much really ... i thought he ws a pompous oaf
(12:38:01 AM) kalmondo: i mean obama
(12:38:29 AM) Jane: oh well not sure exactly,, all i know is he wants change
(12:40:06 AM) kalmondo: so what you know about him is this: Hes black, hes a family man, he wants change, and hes charismatic. And this is what most americans know about him. Thats because his stands are not well known. I dont want somone who makes us look good, i want somone who gets things done that need to be done.
(12:40:51 AM) Jane: well like i say give him a chance to show what he can do
(12:41:25 AM) kalmondo: Would you mind if i copied this into my log?
(12:41:31 AM) kalmondo: blog*
(12:41:36 AM) Jane: not at all
(12:41:51 AM) kalmondo: Thanks, i want others opinions too.
(12:42:03 AM) Jane: ok good luck
Well, please, let us know your opinion. No realy, let me know. I want to see what others think