Happy Birthday,
And to everyone I missed in November. Hope they were great!
Query: My youngest sister is Not A Reader, but she devoured The Hunger Games in about a week. I'd like to recommend other books she might enjoy and was hoping my insightful and knowledgeable flist would have some ideas. ;-) She's not an SF/F person at all. The other series I recall her liking is Gossip Girl. I think THG appealed because of its fast pace; she wouldn't have the patience for a slow build like, say, anything Austen.
Any ideas?
Oh man, the willpower exerted at my visit to Trader Joe's today! It took a monumental effort not to put their entire selection of holiday treats into my basket. I ended up with only the chocolate-covered peppermint Joe-Joes, because I am only one person, and I'll be back soon anyway to collect the candy cane ones (which were all gone). The temptations are strong, my friends.