While I did watch Heroes last night, and do plan to continue to tune in when available, I'm not going to discuss it in this LJ past this post.
Cut said: The reason and comments below are no different from earlier opinions I have expressed, but I would like to avoid being negative on this journal in general. I just need to get it off my chest once. And in case it needs to be said, my own negative opinions do not invalidate your positive ones. I am not forcing you to click this cut. Longest cut ever, haha.
This show. Is so. Poorly. Written. Oh my freaking god. It pains me. The superhero/comic book nature does not excuse atrocious dialogue and nonsensical voiceover monologues.
Also, Mohinder's "scientist" makes Baby Einstein cry.
Also, characters being dumb for no reason is dumb. Go figure.
Also, Sylar still MAKES NO SENSE as a villain with no discernable motivation for evil and no complexity of character or voice and no acting skills oh my freaking god. His casting in the Trek film put the seal on the deal of me NOT seeing it.
And just...gah. Fortunately, none of the above is any different from Season 1, Episode 1, so this isn't about disillusionment. I never had illusions about the show to begin with. It would just be nice if it would get better and be more than just vaguely entertaining background noise in between dramatic moments.
Oh, one new bit of NO this season: Dear Heroes writers, BSG did that messiah complex plot already, and WAY WAY BETTER. Ditto with the self-destructive tendencies of certain characters, although I wouldn't fault you if it had been just that, without the other repetitive elements. Nonetheless. Try again, without regurgitating in superficial form the stuff you watched in the offseason.
Next thing you know, there will be dramatic boxing.
Okay, I'm done. If you didn't like it, well, you were warned. And please do go on and enjoy your love of the show!
Um, in non-whiny news, I forgot to mention that my parents got power back for good last Tuesday, with some false hopes raised before. Yay! Cleanup is ongoing.