I ain't afraid of no ghosts!

Aug 17, 2008 11:11

I did end up out and about yesterday, so today is for sitting on my butt. :-D

Thanks so much to those of you who are using LJ cuts. Because some people still aren't, I closed LJ as a precaution when last night's broadcast started and was promptly confronted with two hours of marathon. x_x You'd think they could show some other sport that doesn't get coverage during some of that time. Fortunately, I still had this week's Psych to watch.

Briefly: SGA: Ghost in the Machine

To be honest, I didn't watch a lot of this one. I had it on, but I was frequently not looking at the screen. Hey, it was not!Replicators, and I'm not really going to change my feelings about that horrible storyline that will never die. It was all right as those episodes go, with the now-standard SGA formula of getting duped yet again.

The one thing that I really don't understand is why they chose the solution they did. There are a lot simpler means to accomplish that end if you just want to destroy them. Were they trying to fool themselves into guiltlessness? Or was it just an escape hatch for TBTB should they want to bring them back? I suspect the latter, with the former as a stupid narrative excuse. It wouldn't be unprecedented for the show, although usually their excuses are better.

Anyway. There were some things that amused me, but I didn't write them down and can't remember. Assume Rodney and Woolsey love.

olympics, sga

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