Happy Birthday,
Yep, this week is exactly as crazy as I expected it to be. It's actually a really good thing that I'm taking a red-eye out on Wednesday night/Thursday morning, so that I can use the evening to do laundry/packing/cleaning. And it doesn't even depart until 12:30, so I'll be able to watch my Daisies, if it's new. :-D
I'm looking forward to the vacation, now that I'm aware of it. Heh. A very sleepy Thanksgiving, followed by a sure-to-be-interesting professional family portrait on Friday (we haven't done one of these since I was, like, six or something), and then Ren Faire and BSG on Saturday. Except there's a good chance of COLD and a decent chance of rain, so it may just end up being BSG. In any case, there will be great yay.
Also great yay: I get to watch usability studies tomorrow. OMG! Undergrad degree being put to use! *is really more excited than this merits*