My kind of Internet break...

Sep 03, 2007 23:32 one where I cut myself off from email and LJ for four days while remaining firmly entrenched in fandom. This post is just to let you all know that I made it home, after a delayed and turbulent flight, and to say what an amazing time I had at Dragon*Con.

Detailed posts and pictures will come later. I feel like there's a thousand stories to tell but I can only remember, like, five, because it's all this sparkly blur right now. Whether I was waiting in line for the same room three times in a row, watching what were either real or well-costumed servicemen do YMCA in the Hard Rock Cafe, discussing Mega Snake in all its glory, or walking casually past Jamie Bamber's autograph table five times because I'm both cheap and shameless, every moment was a blast. Except maybe the ponies.

Anyway, above all, spending time with friends - old ones I got to meet again, LJ ones I was meeting for the first time in person, and new friends made from the wider network of fandom - was the best part, as always, and I'm so looking forward to catching up on what's been happening around here and sharing my experience with all of you.

*dives into email*


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