I got so much incidental free food today! Good times.
SG-1: Bounty
This episode was cheesy crack of the titillating kind and I loved it.
Space piratrey! High school shenanigans! Geeks in their native habitats! Vala getting people in trouble!
What, I ask you, is not to love in that?
Bounty hunters tracking SG-1 to Earth probably should've happened earlier in the series, but I guess the power vacuum allows that more than Goa'uld domination would have before. Eh, whatever, I'm glad they waited because the crack would not have been nearly so glorious without Cam and Vala involved. It was a great way to finally show the kids out in the world, doing their own thing - only to have it corrupted, as with everything in their lives, by the job.
And how adorable was Cam? Man, what a farm boy, to the point of cliché. He clearly hasn't learned much since high school, being still dumb enough to leave the girl alone with his parents and their magic, info-seeking pie. Mmm, pie. He's also still learning that as a member of SG-1, he really can't have a personal life that doesn't include the team. *pats his head and steals his pants*
On the other side, there's Vala, who came to SG-1 without an existing personal life to maintain at all - not even professional geekery like Sam and Daniel have. No wonder she's going stir crazy. For someone so lively to have no life is quite sad, and it's not surprising that she makes the most of her time outside the base. And she'll have fun, but she stops herself, and unwitting admirers, before things go beyond that.
Speaking of going beyond, wow, the Vala/Cam was rampant tonight! *squees a little squee*
In geek world, I was happy to see evidence of what we in fandom figured Sam and the other tech people must've been doing the whole time, slowly releasing their findings in masked form. The groupies were hysterical, although it would've been better (and more believable) if they'd been ogling Sam. Not that Dr. Lee isn't adorable in his own way, but...there's a Sam there. And she got to fire a really big gun!
I find it hilarious that Daniel's research gear is about two sizes too small from him at all levels. I find it even more hilarious how pretty girls still scare him and make him run away. Okay, so she was creepy, too, even before her interest became suspicious (oh, nice reflexes, Daniel). Is it wrong that I cracked up when the bus slammed into her? He maintained the dork vibe through the end of the episode, with the mild panic when Sam announced they were radioactive, the cute little wave to the confused party crowd, and the Scooby quip at the end.
Teal'c didn't get to play the hormones games, so they let him spend his time shirtless, instead. Blah blah jaffa blahs. I don't blame him for not wanting to hang out with that crowd.
The dramatic climax and resolution - the plot around the crack - were nicely done, easy without being lame. The hologram trick was transparent (heh) but it wasn't intended to fool us for long, so I'm not fussed. SG-1, you so smooth. Mostly, they just wanted to drop in all the production team names and sly geek references they could, changing up the settings and nudging the Lucian Alliance just a little further along, because hey, they're still out there. Good to know.
"Bounty" was one of those episodes that leaves me knowing I'm really going to miss this show.
SGA: The Game
If you excise the heavy-handed moral bullshit from the episode, we're basically left with the boys and their ongoing LAN party, which of course, we all know is code for being sekrit boyfriends. I may have died when Liz told them to go show their guests what they'd been up to in their special room.
Um, yeah. Outside of the McShep, the episode didn't have much to go on. They seemed to write the ep like I write fic - a cool scenario with no idea of how to follow it up. We all knew where it was going, and all they could do to liven up driving it there was to draw out the boys' obsession with their video game. There was a point where it became ridiculous for the two of them to still be so invested in "their" countries, but the bickering and possessiveness continued well past it. Liz clearly recognized that point; I felt for her. She got to do her job tonight, too, even if it didn't go so well the first time.
Not that the set-up wasn't hysterical! I love how Rodney represents for all of the RL!Canadians on the show and found his face flag quite amusing. All the Sam-haired women were great, as was the blue jello nod. And citrus as an insult! Ahaha. Lorne and Zelenka make a poor substitute for John and Rodney, but they're good for a laugh. Also, was it me, or was Shep's hair extra perky tonight? And his poorly-disguised envy was funny on shippy and non-shippy levels.
Bottom line: Shep and Rodney are Nerds who are Secretly Doing It. The end.
Hee, The Last Sentinel previews. Shoot those guns, Katee.