First, because it's most important, I'm still looking for beta readers to chat about what they do on SpellCast! You don't have to be "certified" or anything, just someone who's done some beta reading and has Things to Say about it (and I'll bet that even if you don't think you have Things to Say, you will when asked specific questions). So poke your betas for me? ♥
Second, TV blather:
The Office: See icon. FTW. However, I may need to do a poll regarding Muppets later because of something from the associated LJ community.
Despite not thinking it's as great as it's cracked up to be, I'm still watching
Heroes. It's a fun ride-along, but it's starting to drive me nuts that they're not making very easy connections with one another. I mean, what's with Peter and Cop Guy (what's in a name, anyway) not totally recognizing that something's up there? Isn't the time to stay silent about powers when you recognize them in someone else gone?
See, I can't think too hard about that show or it will annoy me, which is why setting a low bar allows me to watch.
Also, I'm not allowed to use "it's" for the rest of this post. Yeesh.
Another not-so-great show I'm watching is
Torchwood, mostly because...I can. Why are these people not intelligent? Why are the only solutions to the problem of the week to kill it or to totally fail at solving said problem? Actually, I realized while catching up today that it reminds me of SGA as compared to SG-1. Except with more sex and swearing.
Seriously, it's (dammit!) like none of the characters have ever seen an episode of The X-Files. Or any science fiction, or horror.
But I do enjoy that Jack sleeps in a hole. *pets*
That's all I have to say about that. Studio 60 is still on the watch list for the TV boyfriend, but it does not make me chatty.
Thirdly, in life news, I am le tired! I had a final at eight this morning which was very lame, as we'd been given the topic and question in advance and were only called in to sit there and write for two hours. I was up before the cold, cold dawn, to take a roommate to the airport (and awake before that while she was getting ready, not quietly). I wonder how I'd feel if I hadn't had two cups of tea, because I certainly don't feel wakeful now. I'm not quite done for the quarter - stupid programming project that I'm going to fail due Friday - but I can afford to slack off today. Ooh, I can listen to the three hour BSG podcast chat!