Happy belated Birthday,
Thank goodness for Harold Camping for providing the Internet a week's worth of solid lulz.
But I'm glad the world didn't end today, because it meant I got to see
Thor, which was quite entertaining, but most importantly, had one hot hunk of leading man. Not my usual type at all, but goddamn, I want to go to there and climb it like a tree.
I'm so sorry if you clicked that cut. XD
Um, other thoughts. Asgard pretty. Disappointed that Loki turned out to have let the ice giants into Asgard in the first place; I was hoping he was lying about that and we'd reveal a more subtle traitor. Jane Foster (who was great) reminded me of Ellie Arroway.
That's all I've got. It's hardly a deep movie, but I liked it better than either Iron Man. I'm not really interested in Captain America (previews imply things that make me uncomfortable), but I'm looking forward to X-Men: First Class!