Title: Bus Stop
Pairings: Junsu POV, YooSu
Length: drabble
zorata Rating: PG
Genre: Light humour/angst/hint of supernatural/just strange
Summary: Junsu shared an awkward moment with a stranger, and things become much stranger after that.
Awkward: embarrassing or inconvenient; caused by lack of social grace.
Junsu was definitely feeling awkward right now.
He blamed the new seating design that some idiot must have thought of for the bus. If he wasn't an idiot, he must've had a strange sense of humour.
Really, who in the world would put two seats facing each other, and decided to only leave a foot of space between them?
At first Junsu didn't recognize the problem either, having situated himself comfortably against a window seat, preparing to sleep through the long ride. That was until someone seated across from him.
Then he realized that four knees just did not fit. Him and the stranger shuffled left and right, working hard at solving this geometric problem. In the end, they settled for the 'alternating' formation, with Junsu left knee between the stranger's legs.
Awkward situation indeed.
It added to Junsu's embarrassment that he recognized the guy as someone who had been taking the bus with him everyday for the last three months, who was now wearing a creepy smile, staring at the window.
Having no where else to look, Junsu decided to opt for his previous plan to take a nice long nap. After a long day at school, he definitely deserved it, and there was no way he would let a stranger take away what he deserved.
But who says university students make the smartest choices? Junsu truly regretted that one.
Loud honking jerked him awake, and before his tired brain could register anything, he felt himself fly forward, along with the rest of the passengers on the bus. His foot stepped forward out of reflex, but the momentum was too great, and in less than a second, he found himself face to face with the familiar stranger.
Time stopped. Yes, very improbable, but Junsu swore time stopped. He saw the stranger blink, eyes boring into his. Junsu glanced down and noticed his knee was placed at a very very awkward area. Looking back up, he saw the stranger blink again. There was no way so many things could've happened if time didn't stop.
And then he softly hears a voice in the back of his head.
"Do you... remember me?"
At that very moment, Junsu was slammed back into his seat. A yell of apology from the driver for the sudden braking was heard. Disheveled and shocked, with adrenaline still pumping, Junsu ran off the bus.
Junsu never saw the stranger on the bus again.
"Do you remember me?"
Junsu's head snapped up. He didn't expect himself to hear voices in his head while waiting for the bus. He looked around, and realized that it came from a presence behind him. Turning around, he came face to face with that stranger once again. That guy whom he had not seen for nearly half a year since the bus incident.
"...do you remember me?" The guy asked again at the lack of a response.
"I... ah.... I recognize you..." Junsu answered cautiously. "We were on the same bus a lot right?"
The guy wore an readable expression on his face. "Does the name Yoochun ring a bell?"
Junsu frowned in concentration. No, he did not know of anyone called Yoochun. "No... I'm sorry. Perhaps you've got the wrong person?"
"How can I recognize the wrong person Junsu?! I'd recognize you anywhere!" Yoochun finally burst out in frustration. "How can you not remember me?"
"I'm sorry I don't know you! It's not my fault that..." Junsu stopped abruptly, looking up at Yoochun. "Wait... how do you know my name?"
Yoochun raked his hand through his hair, head down, and heaved a sigh. "I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have yelled. It's okay really... I just thought that... I thought you finally remembered last time..."
Junsu was confused by his response. "Do I know you from before?"
Yoochun lift up his head with a sad smile. "We met on the bus 50 years ago."
Junsu nodded, but then realized a mistake. "But I'm only 20."
Yoochun just continued smiling. "Bus rides will always come to an end right? No bus will drive on forever."
"What? I don't unders--"
"Junsu, the bus is here. Don't think you'd want to miss it right?"
Junsu was torn between jumping onto the bus and staying until he sorted things out, but he knew if he didn't catch this bus, he would be late for his exam. With one last look, he quickly stepped into the vehicle. Finding himself a window seat, he stared out the window at Yoochun who was grinning like a lunatic, waving at him.
Junsu didn't understand. He didn't understand anything.
The bus drove off, and he felt empty, empty just like the seat beside him.
Somehow, Junsu felt that it would be perfect if a familiar stranger sat beside him, accompanying him on his ride.
A/N: Sorry for being totally strange. D: My mind is warped right now. I don't know how the story turned out like this. I only had the beginning in mind, don't know where the second part came from. Of course, it would be great for you all to interpret, but if you want to know what I think, read here:
1) Yoochun is a supernatural being ( I don't know what kind)
2) They met 50 years ago and got together
3) Junsu died in an accident, but he promised that they'll meet again
4) Yoochun searched for him for years
5) Yoochun's physical body only last 3 months at a time (needs to take a break in between)
That's about it. Thank you for reading. =]
A/N #2: Forgot to add... inspiration came from real life experience (stupid new bus design is stupid), and this song (by Mariam Yeung)
沿途與他車廂中私奔般戀愛 再擠逼都不放開
Along the ride in the bus a love akin to eloping, will not let go no matter how crowded it gets.
祈求在路上沒任何的阻礙 令愉快旅程變悲哀
Praying that there'll be no obstacles on the road that'll turn a happy trip into sadness.
連氣兩次綠燈都過渡了 與他再愛幾公里
Passing two green lights consecutively, how many more miles can I love him?
當這盞燈轉紅便會別離 憑運氣決定我生死
When the light turns red there will be separation, my life or death will depend on luck.