Jan 11, 2012 02:39
Is anyone still out there or have I inadvertently burned all of my bridges?
My move to North Dakota is upon me. I still have no idea what I am doing with all of my stuff, but here it is packed away all around me.
The farm may be a viable storage option and due to the two-weeks on/two-weeks off aspect to an oil rig job it seems plausible that I can sell a bit here and there upon visits, if I can afford them. I certainly don't want to saddle my mom up with all my possessions in the long term and I don't want to saddle anyone with the disappointment of my not finding a way to leave my unproductive past behind. There was a lot of love put into these things, and the fact that nobody wants them is both hurtful and completely and utterly understandable.
There is no one here left to love and there is no one anywhere, outside of family, who still gives a shit so here I am completely at a loss for even giving these things away. Ha.
I couldn't have fathomed the effect my days of despondency would have on my social life, but I have come to terms with the consequences and am well on my way to correcting this disgusting life I've lived.