They have these credit card things now, but the shame is the same...(repost)

Aug 31, 2011 21:13

So you are in the grocery store, and you are being Good Welfare Mom.
Bargain shopping, buying generic. Lots of beans and rice, lots of
veggies in season. No fruit unless it is apples - they are cheap. Lots
of leafy greens to make sure you all get your iron and your vitamins.
Good, healthy food. Nothing pre-made - you have to cook everything
yourself if you want to make the allotment last a month.

But every trip you slip in one bad welfare mom item. You just can’t
help it. A frozen pizza so you won’t have to cook dinner tonight after
carrying all your groceries, a stroller and a cranky toddler home on the
bus. A box of your favorite cereal so you won’t have to eat oatmeal for
a whole week. Or if you are feeling particularly bold….
Read the rest at my blog: Red Zorah
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