Project Faith Update

Jul 12, 2007 14:26

From funnydyke

Last night Faith came over freaking out about moving into her own place, telling us maybe it was a mistake to live on her own.

She thought that her daughter shouldn't have to go without things. She was trying to figure out what to do about all the things she needed. She felt like her place was going to be so empty and she can't afford to make it livable.

So of course I couldn't help it I had to show give her the loot.

She cried, she screamed she kept asking "All this is for us?" But what I found most remarkable are the things she was most excited about - such as the garbage can. Yup the garbage can which she called "so bad ass" (It was .50 cents second hand.)

Also the decorative candle, she was alllll about it.

She loved the toddler bed, and just kept kind of running her hands over things saying how she couldn't believe that people she didn't even know would do this for her.

She also told us that while she was showering earlier in the day she was thinking "I can't wait to be a bad ass like those ladies" and now she wants get "bigger, badder, and stronger" so she can help other women.

In case you were wondering "what all did we manage to pull off?" here is a complete (I hope) list (Some items are new others second hand - and all wonderful, beautiful and SO appreciated!

-King size matress and box spring
-toddler bed with bedding
-high chair
-bedding for Faith's bed
-kitchen utensils
-mixing bowls
-storage bowls
-set of knives (Faith: "Cool, so I can protect myself!" Me: "I was thinking more,")
-garbage can
-glider chair and ottoman
-two end tables
-two lamps
-shampoo and conditioner
-bath and body lovlies
-mismatched dishes
-shower curtain
-shower rings
-travel toy for baby
-various baby toys
-4 gift cards for target (Faith is going to get new clothes for baby!)

She was so excited she kept saying how she couldn't believe people from all the the U.S. and around the world cared about her. It makes her feel stronger.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Really it has been awesome!!

Back to ME: Faith still needs some items, though she is 90% there.

So if you are still in a giving mood, here's the info:

Paypal -

Target Wishlist -

Or buy a Target Giftcard in any amount and send it to:

Women's Work
2620 W. College Ave
Spokane, WA 99201.

Anything that does not get used will be passed on to the next woman in a similar situation BECAUSE.....


We've applied for and received our temporary 501(c)(3) and are operating as a non-profit. We've named the new baby Women's Work.

As soon as Faith has everything she needs we're going to contact local shelters and/or other organizations to send us other women in need of support services as they transition out of domestic violence.

It's been a while since we were working within a 501(c)(3) as opposed to just friends putting our skills to work. We're so excited to be parenting this particular baby, and we'll be working on funding sources and infrastructure in the next few weeks.

The fact that Faith had misgivings about moving out of the shelter and on her own just underscores the need to support women as they transition out of domestic violence.

When women leave relationships, they become poorer. In DV situations many women, like Faith, become completely destitute.

Why do so many women return to violent relationships? We believe all too often it is for the sake of their children's well-being, to avoid poverty, and often just to have the basics - food, shelter, clothing.

We believe that by truly supporting women in a very intensive, meaningful way - with what THEY need at the time of transition - we will break the cycle of violence and give them the foundation to leave for good.

You all rock the house and we love you each and every one!

Stay tuned for updates on Faith and on Women's Work.


the ask, women's work, operation faith

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