Random media ramblings...

May 08, 2007 21:32

  1. SomethingAwful has a bunch of B-Movie-style poster spoofs which are well worth a look.Page 8 has the HP one, most of the rest are pretty good too.
  2. Apparently, Lost has been cancelled - in 2010 (well, assuming it doesn't happen soon, say, if the ratings keep falling). Three more 16-episode seasons - a hard limit which (together with the fact that last week's episode was actually pretty decent) gives me hope that they might be able to pull of a decent conclusion. Maybe.
  3. Heroes was awesome - must be Tuesday.
  4. April Ryan is my new video-game-girlfriend (not sure who the previous one was, actually - possibly Elaine Marley, although she's kinda taken now - but it certainly wasn't Lara Croft...). I picked up a copy of The Longest Journey at the weekend for under ten bucks from Steam, and it's all kinds of fantastic. Yes, the graphics are eight years old, but it's a point-and-click adventure, so who cares. It's got interesting characters, a huge sprawling plot, buckets of humour, and got the Monkey Island reference in very early on - what more could you ask for? Oh, yes, a fix for the lock-up bug (save early, save often...)
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