Dead Philosophers

Jun 28, 2007 20:29

Greetings all, how goes it?

Richard rorty’s dead. I suppose it’s no terribly great loss, mind you, still, the philosopher’s are dying out, and at least Rorty wasn’t quite as vehement as some against Derrida and deconstruction. Still, he is one of the originators of post-philosophy/American pragmatism, which basically says that any problem philosophy hasn’t yet solved in 2500 years can best be answered by the phrase I don’t give a damn, let’s move on. Philosophy has run its course.

This is, of course, a position with which I avidly disagree. So, … no great loss.

Foucault had a new book released!!! Security, Territory, Population. Looks excellent, quite relevant to modern times, and a further elaboration on the nature of biopower. Foucault went from being a post-humanist to talking about care of the self and the nature of subjectivity, and this book is supposed to help bridge the gap between those divisions. Anyways, ‘tis now on its way to the house. Yea!!!

I suppose that’s it. I have no life, alas. Bye for now.
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